Brown stuff coming out of my vagina?

i havent started my period and im not sexually live and im 13 but i woke up and this brown stuff was contained by my panties and when i wipe it looks kind of gooey and threatening brown...what is this?


Question for girls only something like some cramp problems i'm having?

old-fashioned blood. means your term is coming soon!

Swimming Party?


Recently found out i have a urinary tract infection. But me & my b/f be still having sex. Could it hurt him?


I am 10 days delayed from my term. i took my pills already to prevent pregnancy, will it help?

your first length.

Has any one gone for a d&c after a miscarrage?

its natural discharge and this usally happen alot before your length

What is the best cream for the chicken pox mark?

your poop took the wrong train i guess.

I stipulation some informed opinions on menopause?

you may hold started. welcome to the club!

Not to be crude. but do anyone know a method that can engineer your va-jay-jay tight or tighter?

i think that's your poo

My son is 5wks hoary and the flow of my bleeding increases by the week, now it flows resembling water. Is this ordinary?

Ask your mother.

Wat helps stop underarm sweetness?

oh my...

Tampons? [girls ONLY]?

vagital discharge, contained by most cases normal if it is white, if its brown, u enjoy an infection, see a dr.

My friend has cramp similar to pains in her right side that goes down to her right legs.What can it be?

i belive that it scheme that u are about to start u'r term if ya haven't started to ya mama

If a party?

wooooahhh... its supposed to be white, and urs is it might be poo

Needing some advice please.?

How do you know you haven't started your time of year yet? Well, you probably haven't on the other hand. Hmmm... You could have simply discharged with a different color and it's infected. Or you're getting a head up on your period. Go to the doctor and ask what's wrong.

What do i do going on for heavy flo's?

yeah i remember that. it's your extent hunny, go transmit your mom.

No period for 4 months & I'm not pregnant.?

sounds approaching you are getting ready to start your time of year.

Why did my period conveyance so drastically?

it is probably a vaginal discharge. i'd bet you are going to get your interval soon. But talk to a trusted developed and they might feel you call for to see a DOC

Ladies, a 'girl' question please? relief!?

Its just the start of your menstrual cycle.. Sometimes you might return with the blood for the first period, and the second one would be close to a brown discharge. Nothin to worry give or take a few!!

Ladies question please? Kind of personal?

It is vaginal facing. Your period is coming soon. It is nil to be worried about. It is usual.

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your period is on its process,

dont may want to thieve a safety pack to college or something containing a pad, and extra twosome of panties, and u may want to bring a sweater to school to wrap it around your spend foolishly if your period leak through!

happy woman living days:)

Can a pap smear show that you hold endometriosis?

I would go to the doctor give or take a few this. Doesn't sound right to me.

My boobs are getting smaller..?

babe you've started your interval...or it will be starting in a few days! lucky sux, it really does! i got your pay for!

I am 39. i took clomid on 3rd day of cycle, 11th time i ovulated i had sex. i missed interval on 37 th pre.t.?

I must say, I'm so glad that I'm a guy, but I own sympathy for women. They have the interval and childbirth. But it makes them stronger for it. But brown stuff sounds really gross...

How key is it for me to get a pap smear after have sex even though I know my guy is STD free?

the beginning of your period

I just lately had a infant How do I lose the weight? I one and only need to lose just about 10 lbs?

I cannot believe how rude some of these answers are.
it is indeed old blood. You are getting prepared for your first period, dear! It may not ensue right away but it is coming soon.

Skin problem which started during pregnancy?

I have have the same entry a few times. It is normal if it's at the bring to a close of your period. A few times I own had it formerly my period. But it sucks. I hatred it. Better go see a doctor. Don't verbs it's not dangerous but it sucks.

What do I do?

that stuff is out-of-date blood and usually it means you are going to start your term!

How much longer will you be able to grow after your obtain your period?

the brown stuff contained by your underwear is:
brown discharge(which means your extent is coming SOON)

or you just started your extent and you need to put a wad on.

best of luck!=)
i hope i helped!!
P.S you may want to ask your mom for panty liner. don't be embarrassed i asked her a few days ago=)

Intercouse bleeding?

It could be pre-vaginal discharge which sometimes happen at the peak of your immensely 1st period. Its when the some of the bin liner of your uterus sloughs off and mixes next to blood excretions and then discharges through your vagina. The second item it could be is a severly bad Yeast Infection that wishes to be treated by a doctor preferably a gynocologist because they know how to treat them better than a family doctor. And a Gyno. will be capable of distinguish if it is your first period or if it is a Yeast Infection. BY ALL MEANS TALK TO YOUR MOM OR WHO EVER TAKES CARE OF YOU IN THAT RESPECT! Good Luck!

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