How much longer will you know how to grow after your get your time?
it all depends on when ur start ur interval.
if u have it around 14 its close to ur almost all grown, and ull one and only gonna grow a little more.
if u start at liek 9 or so.. ur gonna hold growing <3
best of luck. my wishes to ya!
Is a long, continuous orgasm useful or detrimental for my health?
Every body is different. Girls who start at age 8 will enjoy years of growth ahead. Girls who start at age 14 will be nearly grown.I need some informed opinion on menopause?
Depends on when you started. My stepmother started at 9. I started at 13. And women can keep growing until their behind teens early 20's So it really differs from soul to person.I've always hear that most girls grow about 2" between the time of their first interval and around the time they graduate high college.