What is the normal length of time to try to get pregnant before I need to visit a doctor for help?


Prevent pregnancy?

It depends on what you have be doing yourself. Have you been tracking your ovulation cycles, are your period regular, are you and your significant other healthy. I suggest reading a book ring "The Garden of Fertility." It has some great information of ovulation, when to own sex, diet ideas, and things approaching that.

Question for females only. This is pretty gross, guys.?

A year. Especially if you be on the pill previously.

Women only: opinion on Seasonale?

About a year unless you have other issues close to cervical scarring.

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If you are 35 or elder, it should only be 6 months.

Why do women claim.?

when you miss your menses you can drop by a doctor within 15, 20days to verbs

My first GYN visit im frightened :(..help me?

My husband and I tried for almost a year and a partially before I be going to go in for medical help. Then we arranged to give up on trying and I started to relax and contracted that if it happened it happen. Wouldn't you know it after doing that for about 3 months I go in for a check up and found out that I be 4 weeks pregnant.

So my advice to you would be... in recent times relax and enjoy man with your partner. Let temperament take it's course. If you enjoy already done that and it's bothering you that you can't get pregnant after I would say to address with your GYN/OB around it.

Just to let you know I never did be in motion in for the medical lend a hand.

Good luck to you.

Tight chest?

i was on the pill. when i stopped taking it, it took me a year up to that time i became pregnant.

Menopause/thyroid problems?

If you are inept to concieve after a year of trying, there is feasible a fertility problem. It might take a longer time if you own been taking contraceptives. There are home test that you can buy (for about 25.00 at Target) that will detail you if your partner has a low sperm count. Unfortunately, it dosen't detect if within any problems with the formation or motility of the sperm. I don't know if within are any tests for a woman in need having to progress to a dr. If you want to know for sure where the problem lies see a dr.
Good luck

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