My son is 5wks infirm and the flow of my bleeding increases by the week, now it flows close to water. Is this common?

The bleeding had peroxide up around my 3rd week and then my 4th week I observe it increasing. Now it is flowing like Nigaga Falls I am not hurting a moment ago uncomfortable.

HELP! I hold a reoccurring vaginal rash. Did the yeast infection cure.?

See a doc. Now.

Pregnacny Test - Negative?

perhaps you should hope medical help and guidance

Ok so i just wanna know?

dont believe its run of the mill, go go and get checked

When my wife and are personal she likes.?

doctor, clinic,anything go soon, please.

I havent gotten my interval?

It should be getting much better by now. Call your ob. The sooner the better!


No, better see the doctor.

What is PCOS?


Girls that masturbate?

call your doctor.

Is it possible for a woman to bring "spayed"?


Is anyone having problems after suffering misscarriages?

Please name your OBGYN just to engender sure, but I don't think you should be soaking more than 2 pad a day. I would cogitate by now, it would be lighter.

I'm sure your obgyn wouldn't mind even if you call them after hours.

What is the danger near having a breast cyst that have a hard center?

Go to the hospital for gawds sakes!That is not upright...

What is the age for over the hill? Is it 40 or 50?

See your doctor! Your could be hemorrhaging!

M fear some drops of water type soft from my breast plz tell its death-defying or normal within age of 20yrs.?

No!! That is extremely dangerous, see a doctor immediatley!

I am 11 and I want to know what are some signs of me starting my term?

u would be dead cuase of dearth of blood if you bleed like nigrea tumble

Whats the best way to slow down a pouring flow?

I think Me is right. You really should desire medical attention.

I just started Nuvaring. This olden Friday was the terminate of my first full week on it.?

call the doctor. It is better safe than sorry. You've get a baby. you involve to take upright care of that child's mom

After period?

you involve a doctor! i dont actually know anything on the subject, but you shouldn't bleed that much no thing what.

Is gender a social construct?

This is not regular please call your Dr. within morning way to much loss of blood at this point. You may perceive alright now but it's going to lug a toll on you and rather promptly.

Does bulemia even help?

I bled 4 two months after my son be born. I thought also that it was slowing.. If you are really concerned, see your OBGYN. But I cogitate it may be normal. Better locked than sorry anyway. Good luck....

What is the best way to lose weight?

It is NOT majority. Go immediately to an emergency room. Call your doctor on the path.

Does having the IUD birth control hurt more if you're a virgin or enjoy not given birth?

Hi I think you should phone call your Doctor just to brand sure. I Breast Fed all of my kids so I am a bleak one to ask. I stopped bleeding all together at roughly 3 to 4 weeks and did not have another length until I was done breast feed them. My sis bottle fed. she said her bleeding stopped at 6 weeks. You should be stopping soon too, not have more blood. Take care of yourself. And God Bless. Good luck beside your new little familial.

I am 15 and I've been masterbating since 12, how do i stop because it's turning into an everyday routine?

You should be asking a doctor this grill. I have never hear of this in anyone. Usually up to 3 wks is the max beside normal results. 5wks and unusual consistencies is a red flag for a check up. Your doctor may put in the picture you nothing is wrong, but this is not a medical forum beside professionals. This is not the place to present a potential problem about a crucial nouns of your body with expectations of getting a diagnosis.

By immediately I would have suspected that you enjoy seen the doctor, if, then when you turn, please discuss your absense of feeling alarm when near may be an emergency.

I am a teenage girl i want to know wht companys build ECP's,n which is the best tht i can use?

Go to web explore and look up post-partum bleeding. When you find this subject then click on it. It will cart you to , "Baby Zone." The article and advice is by, "Dr. Gerard M. DiLeo. This is as close of warning I can give you. When within doubt have it checked out. Dr. Dileo is a qualified obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor.

I know no birth control method is 100%, but am I still at a colossal risk?

Yes, I'm not sure but maybe your body is getting rid of the uterine bin liner that built up during your pregnancy

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