Does discharge come reguraly?

i don't have my extent but i'm 13. I'v had a discharge for a week in a minute. its clear and somewhat thick. The first daylight it was white and glutinous. MY QUESTIONS: is it going to become more regurally? and thicker? when will i get my extent?

Answers:    Most women have discharge, and it normally looks like this. It probably won't be "regular" but you'll own it off and on. No one can say aloud when you'll get your time, but I would guess that you'll get it in the next year or so! I get mine at 12 or 13. :D
nah its gna get watered-down with time... first ones are wierd... hear about that EVERY MONTH N ITS OK BECAUSE ITS UR FIRST TYM S0O IT MIGHT NOT SEEM NORMAL...TLK 2 UR MOM BOUT IT.
it vary from person to personality. i get it monthly. you'll procure your period soon. i wouldnt verbs about it It depends. Some girls capture it regulary. Some don't. You get it after sex though. It may become thicker afterwards and kinda slimmy. You should get your time soon after starting discharge. Wear panty liners lately incase.
if you just get discharge you wont get your time of year for another 1-2 years. i guess maybe smaller number, but probably not errr :(
i had discharge for almost 2 years past i got my spell. at first its thick.. next after a while it will thin out but dont verbs if all of a sudden it get thick again out of no where on earth. its all commonplace. but you can expect your period any time very soon. it depends on the girl, some will have thinner and clear or thicker and whiter.
b/c you own discharge you should expect it sometime soon. after periods become regular, you'll see the discharge almost a week or two before your length.
I got my interval about 5 years ago, and I've also have a discharge for about duplicate amount of time. For me its normal, my doctor even say it's no big deal. Just engender sure your panties and clothing down there is dry as much as possible and pick up some pantiliners, no biggie. However if you're TRUE worried just see a doctor, yak to your mom about making sure your doctor is feminine. You're at that age where a feminine doctor, or even a doctor that you, more importantly, are comfortable talking to is going to become exceptionally important. Those are commonplace signs of the on going growth to puberty. It may become less frequent after you instigate your menstrual cycles, which will probably not be a regular cycle the first year or so.
Don't worry! Everything is regular The same thing happen to me when I was your age. Its without blemish normal. Your body is preparing, everything is forming and growing within your body so everything will be ready for you to start your menstruation cycle(period)...Your interval can come at anytime but at first you probably wont feel any cramps, be indebted!Those come a little following. Once you do get your term its usually normal that it doesn't start out regularly, you might skip some months. But don't be afraid to settle to a doctor or a member of your ethnic group. Don't be embarrassed, every girl go through it! You'll be just fine. Carry pad around in your purse or backpack merely in travel case and also a jacket or sweater you can tie around your waist. Periods can sneak up on you at first and its no fun when your caught unprepared...Don't be afraid to talk next to a teacher produce friends sometimes are a bit immature contained by the matter especially when they haven't gotten theirs nonetheless so don't feel unpromising if your not up to talking them in the region of it.. Also later on cramps can be authentic harsh so when your competent to begin timing your time of year take a ibuprofen or another misery pill the night earlier you start, a hot bottle of water will sustain allot to. Heating pads don't work as all right, trust me get a pop bottle turn on the hit water as hot as it will walk and put it on your lower stomach it eases the strain perfectly.Enjoy man young!

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