What do I do?

My mom is always thinking I'm pregnant. My fiance and I own not had sex. We do our occasional fooling around approaching every other couple, but we haven't gone all the instrument.

I am late on my time of year, and for some creepy reason, my mom have found this out. She asked me about it when I come home and said, "Why haven't you had your length yet?" Then she asked me if I be pregnant and watched my facial expressions to see if I be lying. She then said, "Is this why you've be eating strange and gaining counterweight." or something like that. I hold gained cargo, but only because I've be stressed lately and have eat more junk. I've also started intake more fast food because it's more convenient when I'm on my lunch break.

She's other so obsessed just about it. Now she really thinks I'm pregnant.

Big query?

If there is really no channel you are pregant... you and your fiance haven't fooled around with clothes bad...

Then just share her that you are taking care of it, that you will not find pregnant until you are ready.

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stress can variety you skip a period. relax. and later have an developed conversation with your mother. transmit her what you have posted here, that you hold not had sex, but you do fool around. your mother be there years ago, and try to hang on to that in mind while you enjoy a talk next to her. she's been in that, and she just requirements to protect you.

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Mothers are other like that. They only want to make sure you are anyone a good girl. Or sometimes if they nag too much, might be because they own menopause.

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just tell her to backoff because if u be pregnat then she would be the first one to know. afterwards throw the loop at her, say" do u think u of adjectives ppl would raise me to own sex before i be married?"LOL that shoud work then possibly she would get out of ur buisness as much.

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