My interval...minister to?

Im 14. Usually my period comes every 34 days. It be always really really regular. But contained by january in come 21 days later and i be kind of confused. and next in february (today) it come 21 days later again. why? i thought after you've have it for 2 years its regular and i got it on similar to ferbruary 10th 2 years ago. i was other really regular.

is it always gonna come 21 days apart in a minute?
has this ever happen to anyone.
ugh im so annoyed. i loved it being 34 days apart.
i know know one is without fault regular but ugh why did it do this?

Answers:    Your body is going to keep shifting until the day you die it newly happens sometimes it wont stay 21 days apart your body is anyone normal
Your length can change at any time. I imagine it has a mind of its own. =P my extent wasn't regular until like 4 years after i initially started. at a snail`s pace, after doing many funky things, it finally settled down into a 28 time cycle. but even grown women have fluctuations surrounded by the lengths of time between cycles. it adjectives has to do beside stress, health, etc. don't verbs about it hun, especially at 14. it doesn't aim there's something wrong w/ you, just that your hormones get confused. if you really feel upset in the region of it though, it might help to converse to your doctor.
your only 14 hun.your nowhere implicit regular yet, itll still preserve changing be might procure it at the beginning one month, the close the next the middle the subsequent, 2 times a month not at all, but it will eventually become regular and yes this have happened to me mine is never regular. what i do is when my interval ends i count 28 days after so tehn i know when it is due. sometimes it doesnt come on that day but i know when it is goign to be coming , so it is around here.
periods revise alot, so you might want to get use to it.
i am solely 12 but i have started and i know it wont walk in a guide like every 31 or 26 days it change. the best thing to do is of late be ready for iy when it comes hold pads or tamponse on foot ALWAYS! You're 14 , that's perfectly common to not have regular period , It will be in 4-5 years.And that occur that a woman never has regular ones but that's not a problem.

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