Ladies, a 'girl' question please? support!?

i have a pen trip 2morrow and i have to progress swimming. im on my period, and i enjoy NEVER used a tampon, and i dont know how. can i go surrounded by the water near a pad? i dont reason so, but idk. wat should i do?!!?!

Are you a leg or breast man?

I wouldn't use a pad if I be you in the dampen. How old are you and can you ask your mom roughly speaking how to use a tampon? I'm sure she'll at least receive a purchase for you. Otherwise the box has pretty good instructions.

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Well, my with the sole purpose advice to you is to wear a huge bottom segment of a swimming suit, cause yo gonna swell up similar to a balloon =]

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No, do not dance into the water near a pad. Buy some small tampons and they hold an insert in the box on how to use them. They do not hurt and you will like them better than a wad.

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there are directions for how to use tampons within the box with them. If you simply must turn swimming use a tampon, it will save you considerable humiliation. DONT go swimming near a napkin, they tend to break up and get out into the river...very embarassing.

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If you have a really perfect friend, ask them how to use a tampon. I would not suggest going into the water beside a pad on. It could turn out to be embarassing

Thing covering vagina?

ok no wipe... the tampon box should tell you and if it doesnt relief ask your mom or a girl you trust and feel comfortible discussion to... and dont worry it doesnt hurt and its better that pad trust me

I'm not a doctor..?

No! Havent you seen the commercials next to the babies in the wet with a diaper on? That is what it will be approaching with a wad on!! Just go buy a box of Tampax, read and follow the directions. It is not that desperate.

Women Please!?

Do not go into the marine with a wipe on! Ask your mom or female numeral to show you how to put one in. It doesn't hurt to use one and you can't get the impression them when you have one within. Just change it after you swim.

I have protected sex with my b/f similar to 2 weeks ago and i just lately missed 2 days of my period?

You could, but you don't want to. They go and get soaked and loose their adhesive. It could turn out unsightly. I suggest try using a tampon tonight. Try the slim fit first, and see how it goes.
Good luck.

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Hun I would talk to your mom . If you are still a virgin I wouldn't suggest a tampon it could screw you up but you can verbalize to your mom and she can call her doctor and ask . If they both come to the conclusion that it is ok to wear a tampon after Playtex makes one for sports resembling this and it is called Playtex sport . Please confer to your mom though that is why she is in that .

I am 49 years old and quit have my periods around 41 or 42 years antediluvian.I havent had a pap smear for eight year

I conjecture you can go contained by the water near a pad but i would travel with a tampon - you purely have to buy it and it willl hold instructions on it - or ask aa close family should just ask ur momLOL

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well this is what i haev to say " THAT SUCKS" i would of late pretnd like you are sick and stay home to be precise what did.

good luck


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either don't acquire in the hose or ask someone to help you beside the tampon. getting into the water beside a pad is not a obedient idea...what if it floats up onto the surface

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I think a wipe will be too bulky for a swimsuit and will definitely soak up the sea if you get within... You should try a tampon, I was panicky my first time to use one, but when I finally got it contained by, it was so much more comfortable.

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do NOT wear a pad surrounded by the pool. either try tampons tonight or don't plan on swimming

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noooo dontgo in the water next to a pad on, umm in attendance is directions inside the tampon box on how to use one. usaully you are not suppose to use them til you have have sex, nut i use them anyway and i havent had sex even so, so i hope that helps.
except ask your mother.

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Most boxes of tampons hold instructions sheets in them. I would suggest trying to get a tampon within tonight (remove it before you jump to bed) so you get an hypothesis about how to put one contained by. you really shouldn't go within the water minus a tampon in.

Since you've uncommon one before I would suggest using a regular absorbency tampon that have an applicator.

Good Luck.

Attention-span help?

You cant travel with a wad it would make an aweful mess.
i'm afraid your lone option if you HAVE to move about swimming is a tampon get the night light kind they are smaller ( super involve for ex. are bigger) then follow the directions contained by the package and i'm sure you'll be fine. If not after maybe bring out of swimming?
Good luck to you Have your mom or a friend if your embarrased help you

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You should use a tampon.
If you don't know how consequently read the box. I strongly advise you not to walk in the hose with a wad because they aren't meant for marine and could swell up.

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Using a pad surrounded by the water is not a honourable idea. It'll be exceedingly noticeable and some of the stuffing can come out (ew.)

Try using a tampon. For swimming, using the smallest absorbency will work fine, you don't requirement much.

Buy a small box of lites and follow the instructions inside (every box of tampons has them), and once you catch your tampon in right, you won't quality a thing.

Good luck!


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it's totally easy to use them. tampons come beside very detailed instructions (with pictures), showing how to use them. i don't recommend wearing a wad in the hose, because it will soak up the water close to a sponge and you'll be walking around like you're wearing a diaper.

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You can't travel in the hose down with a wipe.

You have time to swot up how to use a tampon. They are all I enjoy ever used and they are easy.

Try one that have an applicator which is rounded and 'comfort' designed. This will mean it is made out of plastic or smooth cardboard. Simply insert and push up on the applicator downfall until it is in. If it is inserted correctly you will not surface it. It may help if you put one foot up on the toilet. The influential thing is too relax.

Make sure you use the size to be exact appropriate for your flow. Too big of a size will not protect you better and can cause tears when removing from dryness. Make sure you switch no later later 8 hours.

You will likely want to amend it every 4 hours or so especially being surrounded by the water.

As you obtain comfortable with them you may want to switch to a applicator-less one similar to o.b. they work just as very well and are extremely discreet.

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No, I would not suggest going into the pool with a wipe on. You might find your little buddy floating beside you as you swim a lap! The glue disintegrates in the water. You will any have to use a tampon or not walk into the water. Go onto and in that are instructions on how to use a tampon correctly. Beware, the tampon will fill up beside water once you bring in! Also, once you win in the sea your period will usually stop flowing unless it is a REALLY heavily built flow day.

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No, don't travel in the sea with merely a pad. Either try using a tampon or sit this one out. There are detailed directions in the box that will facilitate you out if you decide to try it.

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Take your time and revise to use a tampon. Buy the slender size with a plastic applicator. Then read the directions cooperatively. The tampon needs to be used properly. If you don't seize it in right you will quality uncomfortable. Once you swot up how to use them you will have complete freedom from the wipe! Don't use a pad within the water.

Woman's Body relief?

Field trips have a partiality to come at the wrong times and this certainly is not a obedient time. I understand how you surface because it is not only discomfited but also this time of the month just make everyone feel down. Keep your chin up because this is a moment ago a part of go. It isn't a good conception to wear a pad because it will bring back wet and topple apart which you need the protection. I decision that you had a friend or a party that could be right there beside you to help. There is other the instructions in the box. You could also go to a pharmacy and speak near a pharmacist and ask the person what is the best loving to purchase. A telephone name to the doctors office where on earth you can speak with a nurse help too. Some even have straightforward glide which make it easier. Others are based on your flow in recent times like the pad are. Give it a try because it doesn't hurt at all when using tampons. Good luck and please keep hold of your chin up!! Never feel discomfited to ask for advice. Enjoy your corral trip because I always wallow in going on them.

Brown discharge?

I'm going to try to answer your ? the best way I know. But I
wouldn't put a wipe on well swimming, adjectives the stuff will be
coming out. Theres ways, you don't have to walk swimming, u can just be contained by your swim suit, but don't go within the water. If you own a older sister ask her to show you how to use a tampon.
I hoped I help some what.

Girls only?

DO NOT wear a wipe in the pool. honestly tampons are so straightforward and you will not have to verbs about a item if you get one.
within are instructions on the pack on how to insert it and it is pretty good on explaining it.

you simply unwrap it,sqatt down --put it up in in that push the applicator which puts the tampon up there,verbs out the plastic applicator(the cotton part will freshly stay up there) and the string just hang there for when you are prepared to pull it out.
so simple and ideal for swimming!!

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I'm afraid the option is a tampon or no swimming. Trust me you don't want a wipe to get soaked, I used a wad whilst kayaking once, and afterwards it had swollen larger than common from water! I suggest have a go near tampons. They are not the easiest thing to oversee at first, but there are many ones on the market. Have a practise tonight, even if you misuse some. You can wear them for up to 8 hours. Read the instructions on the packet, they are usually pretty good. I hope you muddle through it. I never used to be able to use them, but own learnt how to relax since!

Question for women?

No a wad cannot sanitary-wise be worn in marine. Or comfort-wise, it woulnd be possible. There is a variety of tampons on out in attendance, so since your new to it, I'd recommend the "slender" size to start near, no matter how hefty your period is. If heavily built, you'd just call for to change it more fruquently. Once you insert it correctly(there are detailed instr. on the box) you won't even perceive it, standing,sitting or swimming! Hard to believe, but true.(with the smaller tampons that is.) *the best guidance tho would be- to make sure the brand you obtain -has an "applicator"- most do, but the brand "O.B."-does not! You need to use adjectives 10 fingers & probably toes too, to even start to figure out how! **A PLASTIC APPLICATOR is the best! Much easier to fly to insert than cardboard! Easier & more comfortable in applying! OK, that's it, PERIOD.

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