Needing some direction please.?

I was wondering if my spell ended on May 23rd, and my programmed date for ovulation is tomorrow the 2nd, if it is possible that I have already ovulated? For the recent past two days I had that slippery eggwhite odorless discharge next to cramps and lower back pains and today I dont enjoy as much of the discharge, and the pains are in my lower abdomen. my examine is... IF I did ovulate early when would be the soonest time to see if I be pregnant.. and if I ovulate tomorrow (the 2nd) when would I be able to to find out if I have concieved? I would greatly appreciate all the assistance. thanks again!


O.b. tampons?Does anybody know what the "O.B." stands for?

Sperm can live inside you for several days if the guy is on form. If it's been 2 weeks since intercourse, a pregnancy trial should work. Also, if you do start your flow (even a few days late due to stress), you are not pregnant. If it's simply a day or so after sex, you may own to wait for the subsequent flow to be sure. You are lucky you can count the days, I fluctuate between every 30 to 40 days.

My freiend got here term for the first time at home then she come to school

You have to loaf until you have missed your subsequent period. There is a preg. exam thats called "first response" its a moment or two more pricey but is the only audition that lets you know earlier a missed period. So five days past your next time start date is the soonest you could tell.

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