How momentous is it for me to get a pap smear after have sex even though I know my guy is STD free?

What else do they check out?


Could I be pregnant?

You must have a PAP smear done when you turn 18 y/o {even if still a virgin}, or as soon as you become sexually involved, whichever happens first. PAP test are done mainly to detect precancerous change in the cell of your cervix, not to check for STD's. Screening for STD's are different procedures: for syphilys they do a blood test call a VDRL; for chlamidya and ghonorrhea a urine sample is taken and checked microposcipally for the presence of these microrganisms. A blood indication is also taken to screen for HIV and Hepatitis A, B and C. So, if you own recently become sexually live, make an appointment beside a Gynecologist for a pelvic exam, PAP test, birth-control counsel, and lab tests to spawn sure that you're all right and remain so. If you are beneath 27 y/o, ask your doctor about a modern vaccine called Gardasil. This vaccine protects you against the HPV {Human Papilloma Virus} strains that are related to over 70% of cases of cervical cancer, and also the strains that cause genital wart {Condyloma acuminata}. I wish that vaccine have been around 20 years ago; at age 23 {I'm 39 right now}, I be diagnosed with cervical Carcinoma In Situ related to infection by HPV. But the lesion be confined to a very small nouns {a couple of millimeters}, and the doctor performed a cone biopsy {extraction of a cone-shaped portion of the cervix} and the malignant cell didn't have a fortune to spread further. That was contained by 1994, and i've had no return of the disease to this day. Of course, every year in need fault I run and get a PAP question paper done so if anything is wrong we catch it rash.

What is wrong with my skin?

You can still bring back cervical or ovarian cancer - which is mainly what the pap smear test for, but of course, they also audition for some STDs.

Also, how do you ultimately know he is STD free? Did he get tested for ALL STDs? HIV, gonorrhea, syphillis, clamydia, HPV, herpes, etc.?

Even if he say he is STD free, you need confirmation. No guy is worth risking your strength or life for.

Am I middle-of-the-road down there? Labia size is racking my brain.?

Its still really far-reaching to get your twelve-monthly done because you may not have signs of impending problems...

Important query for girls! HELP?!?

It's hard to groundwork your health outcome on whether or not a guy is a virgin. If he said that you should trust him...but there are other ways to carry STDs that do not include having sex.

The prime disease that pap smears check for is HPV (it is exclusively sexually transmited tho). HPV cannot be tested for in guys, they hold no symptoms. Women sometimes won't have symptoms for a long time. Sometimes a year or so. If you do contract it, it can pop up inconsistently and you COULD get cervical cancer. That's why pap smears are so meaningful. They keep an eye on cancerous cell within your cervix and if cancer is found they can treat it.

You need to swot up that you and ONLY YOU look out for your health. Yes you love him. But within the end you want to love yourself too. Be smart, be safe, walk get checked out!

That be a really good cross-question.

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