Can you put petroleum jelly on a tampon? NEED 2 KNOW NOW!?

My daughter told me this this morning:
I am having trouble inserting them and am wondering if I can put petroleumm jelly on one and see if it make it easier? Will it give me an infection? I enjoy swim practice @ 6:30 tonight so I NEED TO KNOW! I am 11, have a milieu flow, and have have my period 4 times.


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You "could" but petroleum jelly is fluid repellent. Your tampon definitely wouldn't work as powerfully. I'd suggest you purchase "slim" sized tampons...or OB brand. They are much easier to insert. If you DO decide to jump with the petroleum jelly, DON'T coat the tampon...use it to benevolently coat the area of insertion (trying to avoid censorship).

Some birth control question and has anyone ever taken Yaz?

yes I did the first time I used one.

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i dunno. call a doctor.

Is this everyday?

It's not water soluble...don't do it.

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you have a daughter and are singular 11?!


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I don't think that sounds a fundamentally good belief..I wouldn't chance it.

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Not a appropriate idea. It make it easier to insert if you're in a squatting position as opposed to sitting down. Also produce sure she has the insubstantial flow ones, which are smaller and will probably make it easier.

My (not) length?

I guess you could give it a try, only don't use a lot.
Let her run her time in putting tampons in and eventually it will work out.

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you should be fine next to it. its water base no infection, just remember to remove your tampon after your swim or that can rationale infection from the water of the pool and also, don't sleep surrounded by tampons thats how people attain toxic shock

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Try the sort with a plastic applicator I cogitate they're called satin touch or something. About the petroleum jelly, phone a pharmacist or your Dr. It doesn't sound resembling a good impression to me.

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Yes but K-Y gelly would be better.

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No infection, but only coat the tip and roughly speaking 1/2 inch of the side. That way it will still hold. And read the package insert, it show diagrams on how to insert, it may look funny but it works

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Look on the petroleum jelly jar and see if it say for external use only. I don't consider it will be a problem because you put it on rectal thermometers for babies.

Need help rushed!!?

No, buy her some KY Jelly at the drug store. You should never put Vaseline IN your body. It will hold onto bacterial and she'll get an infection. KY is wet based and won't hold germs.

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NO DONT DO THAT! Tampons are harmless if changed regularly and worn properly. If it hurts its any because you haven't used one before or something is wrong. You can force yourself to wear it and you'll be fine, it will merely hurt for a minute, (try the small ones tampax makes a small pink smudge of them for young girls) DONT USE PETROLEUM JELLY INFECTION!

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Yes. But do not do this long residence. If you continue have trouble, buy a tube of K-Y personal lubricant for these types of emergencies!

Brand of tampon? leave!?

I don't think that would be suitable considering the petroleum jelly may get on the tampon and gross it so the blood doesn't abosorb. Im sure if you use a tiny bit it will be okay. I have never tried it myself but I would suggest not globbing it on.
Find out why she is have trouble inserting them, because they should be fairly unproblematic to insert. I use Tampax Pearl, which has the slippery applicator. She should relax and put one leg up on the toilet or anything she can.
She probably can't get it contained by because she is nervous.

Do any other women travel through this!?

many people use petroleum jelly as a lubricant, so it's not going to hurt you. however, it is grease based so it can bother some inhabitants. just placing some on the applicator shouldn't bother you. Instead, if you hold trouble inserting them, i would just relax for a while more. try lying on the floor, taking a deep breath, and breathing out as you're inserting it. that worked for me when i first have this problem.

hope this works.

Im confused is this something to worry bout?

would probably block absorbtion surrounded by the tampon. also, I think a bottle of lube or KY jelly would be safer - i.e. made to go near.

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I think that even if you could put petroleum jelly on a tampon in need the risk of infection that it would decrease it's absorbency pretty significantly. How almost trying a "teen" sized tampon with a plastic applicator?

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NO NO NO!! you will be better off using some lube.. put some KY or astriglide on it. (in med school) petroleumm jelly is not supposed to be inserted in you. its a topical product merely

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I'm sorry to say this, but you might be out of luck. Petroleum jelly is really fatty, greasy stuff. And have you ever notice that when you get it on your hand, it's a real agony to wash bad? That's because petroleum jelly REPELS water. So, readily, it would repel all types of solution, including blood. Putting petroleum jelly on a tampon would be useless, and chances are the tampon wouldn't even involve the blood properly. If you're having that much trouble, try a smaller size tampon.

Why can't she own sex without using lubricants?

no, why not try river instead

I have dizziness and i enjoy to pee a lot, i dont infer im pregnant, is it an infection?

Please call your doctor or have a word to a nurse first. I am not sure. It is not water soluble and I don't want you getting an infection. Again, bid your doctor or talk to a nurse in the past you do anything.

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no, don't use petroleum jelly. its not recommended for vaginal use. you can use KY if you enjoy it, or try a smaller tampon or different angle. playtex gentle slip in the smallest size might be better. put one foot up on the toilet or a bench, rember to relax because tensing up will make inserting difficult. some women own different angled vaginas and 11 is a bit young for tampon use but i get the message the swim practice situation. this is also something you can call the doc going on for, don't be shy

Quick easy cross-examine?

A lubricant will be fine, something like KY jelly. Not sure if that have petroleum jelly in it.

Best process is not to use anything. Try different positions. Aim towards tail bone. And use smallest tampon can find to start with.

Do most guys?

thats a no no it will supply our daughter an infection buy her some KY-Jelly its recomended

Major boob problem!?

nooooooo!! that is no apt. try some ky if all indispensable. learn to use them the course all others do, or use another form. petro products aren't exceptionally good for you. and down at hand.worse!!

Really silly question roughly speaking Pro-Ana?

The best thing to use is not petroleum jelly it ky jelly,or a vaginal lubrication.Vaseline or petroleum can or may create vaginal infection (bacteria build up)

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