Stopping birth control pills and lots of blood clots?

I have be on birth control pills for 2.5 years. In Jan I started taking Seasonale, where I one and only get my spell 4 times a year. For the past two weeks I've have alot of spotting. I was planning on going rotten the pill after this pack, because I just grain my body should have a break, and I don't enjoy a bf so there's no point for me to be on it. But anyway, I contracted to just stop it yesterday, because I don't want to continue another 3 weeks and be spotting the whole time.

But immediately I'm still spotting, its not quite my time, but there is ALOT of blood clots surrounded by the spotting (and there have been since the spotting started). I other have them during my length, but since this isn't really my period, I'm somewhat concerned. Has this happen to anyone else?

Thanks. Please don't tell me of late to call the doc. Other advice/stories of your own from going past its sell-by date the pill would be more helpful.

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A lot of times after coming bad birth control you get lashing bleeding... mostly because the birth control is a hormone that tricks your body and makes your uterus not form the pool liner that would support a fertilized egg for implantation. When you stop your body sees it as getting in place to conceive hence you start to form a soft lining contained by your uterus, until your body adjusts rear legs to normal you own a lot of blood and "clotting" this is merely actually tissue your body is purging. However if it continues or you start to discern faint or look pallid,etc you should see your gyne. Sometimes iron or a multi vitamin with iron help when taken as directed.
been within done that, (and used to work in obgyn.)
hope this help

I have a long period and with alot of craps is here anything i can take over the counter to stop?

Since you own stopped the pill this is most likely your interval starting. It may not turn into a full blown period but it is still your extent.

What is the appropriate age to.?

your body is starting to do regular cycles
the clots will be from the pills stopping your
periods previously they might normally have
also here could be quite a build up seeing
as you solely have your term a few times a year
you likely entail a D&C to clean out your uterus

HELP! What do I do? (Serious answers only)?

Hi, It is regular to have "break-thru" bleeding when stopping or varying any type of hormonal treatments such as birth control. If it does continue for more than a month, please check it out.
I did own that type of "problem" when they couldn't find the right type of BC pills for me. So, don't worry...unless it continues.

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You know now adays everything you take to back with one entity has side affects that cause problems with something else. I newly started back taking bc's in jan. after forever it seem and I was clotting and I even have a cycle twice in jan., my friends kept recounting me that my body is trying to get used to the transformation. I wasn't really sure how my body was going to react to the pill but it be a change. I found my cycle permanent 8 days and finally in feb. it was typical but I have be having heartburn. I of late hope you did your research on this seasonale thing lead to I never heard of it. I would read out if it last any longer or the bleeding is any heavier, say-so when ever your next cycle is shift to the doctor and I know you didn't want to here that but that could be serious.

Another question?

Hi. I only just went stale the pill after taking it for 3 years. I had also started taking seasonale and I notice more clots. My Dr. said that there would be more clots because I be only have 4 periods a year and nearby would be more shedding in each length. When I went rotten the pill completely EVERYTHING went crazy. I have alot of clots and very irregular period. After a few months I am back to a conventional 28 day cycle.

Arghhhhhhh please oblige!!?

I've had spotting/light bleeding over a long interval of time before while on the pill. This be shortly after I started taking my pills for about 5 weeks at a time instead of 3 to enjoy fewer period (Yeah I figured out myself that it be safe two years ago! Go me!). The doctor told me that at my age (which be 19) it was really zilch to be concerned about since I tested distrustful for all STDs... The bleeding eventually go away after a few weeks and hasn't happened since. My body seem to have gotten used to taking the pill lacking breaks for long periods of time fairly nicely, I stopped getting any spotting at adjectives about a year after that.

Bleeding can be a symptom of some infections however, so you really should bring back tested to be safe!

On an unrelated data, the pill becomes more potent and has not as much of side effects the longer you take it, so you really shouldn't impart your body a "break" from it. This will cause more mar than good!

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