Pms is getting me down!?

Every single month when i am on my period i find myself getting really depressed.I be wondering if any of you girls out there know of any good cures for it?I do not want to budge to the docs and get doped up on stuff if it is just 5-7 days every month i am feeling rubbish.Any concept please? :'( x

Do you STOP growing once you start your Period?

There are no cures, but a number of managements.

Vitamin B6 = Pyridoxine will facilitate some women. You need to run it every day and within prescribed doses, which are higher that those you can buy over the counter.

Evening Primrose may back any mastalgia = breast discomfort, but will not help the mood symptoms.

Prozac be used quite successfully, however the company withdraw the PMS licence some years ago. Some GPs will still prescribe it for this indication.

Norithisterone, a non-contraceptive progesterone has a average success rate.

The combined oral contraceptive can hold a dramatic effect on reducing symptoms in some women.

Can u help me?

Try evening primrose and vitamin B6 available from your local chemist over the counter. Also try to guzzle healthy and go and get some exercise every day. A right walk every year does wonders.

How come my hands smell approaching garlic even though I haven't had any around me contained by 5 days?

eat dark chocolate as its supposed to facilitate with period anyway, have nice hot realxing bubble baths, blast some really heavily built rock music and play air gutar to grasp rid of your anger, be completely hyper and giggly even if you feel crap because it'll cheer you up eventually, if the race you're with are blissful it'll rub off on you so be fun even if you dont have a feeling like it and within will be smiles all round, hope this helps

lol im 15 by da road so my youth and hyperness might not work for you
x x x x

Has anyone else noticed this?

I know how you discern i used to suffer really bad beside pms now i use vitamin b6 and evening primrose grease hope they work for you

Any suggestion as to what may be wrong with me?

have sex a well-mannered orgasm helps

What reason are there for why a girl doesn't acquire 'wet' for sex?

I hold gone through this! Birth control helps because it controls the amount of hormones are surrounded by your body- and you can predict when youare going to be that way.

If it is really bothing you- tal kto your doc and im sure they will own something that will help!

Period and the pill?

I know you dont want meds, but birth control REALLY help me. It calmed down my PMS so much. I am not on this one but I know that the pill yaz ( i think specifically how you spell it) is supposed to help beside PMS. I know some people who are on it and they love it.

Chronic Drinking?

you could try have a mirena coil fitted - it releases a constant supply of hormones so you never get a dip. also try kudos vitamins pms formula and agnus castus

Why do some men close to this?

I used to suffer with the most horrendous PMS too and it make you feel resembling a monster at times, I was told by some manner lady to try this, for 10 days prior to your time of year eat 2 x ryvitas 3 times per sunshine, any of the ryvitas will do if you can't hack them eat 2 x rice cake 3 times a day instead, you enjoy to persevere because honestly it does work, after 3 months my PMS calmed down considerably and overtime it almost disappeared altogether, I found it a massive backing and would recommend it to anyone who suffers with PMS, apposite luck and hope if you try it that you have nouns too.

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