My (not) length?

I'm 13, about 5'1" , 90 lbs, am a 34 a or aa, enjoy hair down in that and armpit hair... I have discharge for a long time, but it just description of stopped about two months ago. Why did it stop? Mom say maybe my hormones only just temporarily shut off... and, I've be having short-lived cramps--i dont know if they're gas or cramps or what. I haven't gotten my time of year yet, any. Please help me!

How to draw from my period pay for?!?!?!?

try putting on some weight. since you are pretty small your body may have shut down the reproductive cycle as a protective device. It happens profoundly with runners. Think more or less it, if you were to obtain pregnant your body does not have the reserves to support you and a toddler, so you could both die. Its not really true nowdays when food is readily available however, but try putting on five pounds. you should also see your doctor only in luggage it is something more severe going on. You also may need to walk on birth control pills to regulate your cycle if your hormones are unbalanced.

Do any girls/ ladies ever go and get this problem?

just keep living your go and if you dont start in a few months than have a word to your mom about it

Period ?

that a moment ago means you will start soon

When will my boobs stop growing?

your moms probley right. a friend of mine have the same problem. she get her period and didnt receive it again for 7 months and another friend didnt get hers until she be 15. its normal and you hold nothing to verbs about.

Girls what birthcontrol do you ponder is best? Besides condom.?

dont take this to personal but you might be to skinny. sometimes a body will shut that piece down to consentrate on energy. they are probably cramps. hold you started any games or hard workouts? sometimes this will net them stop also. so will some anti pregancy drugs. im 24 and started when i was 10.

Breast Enlargement- can anyone detail me their experience and the process and how much it hurts afterwards?

It's likely you don't even so have adequate body fat to menstruate. I bet you'll take your period when your bulk edges closer to 100 lbs.

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