Can birth control pills diminish your sex drive? Is that a possible side effect?

I know there are a great deal of side effects from birth control, as I have be experiencing and thinking that I need to convert to a different kind. I'm on Lo-Estrin 24, and since I've be on it it has made me grain nauseous, anxiety, and I've notice that my sex drive isn't as high as it used to be. However, I'm wondering if it is lately that I've already hit my peak and my drive is decreasing in a minute. I'm 31 years old. Tell me what you contemplate. Thanks.

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Yes, it unquestionably can. I had that problem on FIVE different pills, and even the lowest doses destroyed my sex drive and severely dimished function. I've be off it for accurate for almost nine months now and enjoy slowly been returning to mundane. Blood hormone tests proved this be not all surrounded by my mind; they have unhurriedly showing improving hormonal level as the months off the pill step on.

Talk to you doctor; they hear this complaint ALL the time. Some women swear by switching brands to solve the problem; personally, I feel they're all duplicate and like I said, even the lightest dosages effect me. You don't mention how long you've been on the pill, but for me I notice the problems increasing with time.

As for your summit and descent at 31, no, not a chance. Women roughly feel MORE sexual surrounded by their thirties, not less.

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I guess it depends from women to women.

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Your libido can DEFINITELY be effected. It is controlled by your hormones and brain chemicals after adjectives, and if you're throwing additional chemicals into the mix the winding up result could be lowered sex drive.

If you have other side effects besides libido (which is bleak enough!) markedly change.

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Some birth controls can lower it, and near are some devices that say that they in actual fact improve your sex drive! The women's clinic I work for get this a lot, and give or take a few 50% of pill takers say that theirs diminished. Women on Ortho-Evra (the patch) usually influence that theirs was raise. Women on Depo say that theirs is raise usually, too. The patients with IUDs right to be heard theirs dropped.

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