I got slammed contained by the abdomen near a kickball could that hurt your stomach/insides?


Period question?

I am a nurse. as long as within is no stiffening of the ab muscles and no areas of deep bruising, near's not likely to be much incapacitate. The first concern is internal bleeding. Those would be some signs in the first little while. After a while, a sign of severe blood loss would be fainting or blacking out when you stand up (orthostatic hypotension) due to your body not have enough blood contained by vascular to support normal blood pressure. Not to win personal but if you are passing gas regularly (and if you are human, everyone does) and if you are have regular bowel movements, you should be ok. In abdominal trauma, one of the first things that happens is your bowels stop their motility or slow it to a minute amount. The sign we look for after bowel surgery since people can start taking things by mouth is the return of passing gas, bowel movements and bowel sounds. Have a friend listen to your belly in adjectives 4 quadrants around and on your navel. There should be a bit of gurgling sounds all over, especially on the right side. If they can't hear them, mistrust not. If you are able to bear food and liquid and are have normal BMs, you should be fine. If you do awareness any blood in your stool, grasp it checked by a doc. The higher up the digestive tract the injury is, the more "hidden" blood become when it is in stool. The lower down the tract, the more deliberate it is. If you notice blood within the toilet, see a doc, if your stools are tarry and black and smell worse than normal, see a doc. Sorry to be so clear but as a nurse I have no shame lol. If you own stomach pain for more than a hours of daylight after, see a doc. You should be fine though

All the best.


Find me a bra!?

you bet if youstil have spasm get it checked

I want to see the mensuration cycle of girls , where on earth i can watch it?

If it be really hard, yes.

Heavy period?

i need you to listen remarkably carfully, i think we might be dealing near a nothing, your fine

Some decisive products for getting rid of nausea,vomiting,and dizzyness during your period?

guys capture slammed in the ball with them adjectives the time, I think you will be okay, besides, a kickball is the lightest ball near is.

Pill / blood?

Your tummy still hurts because of the sting of the ball...not really the force...you'll be fine...OR NOT !

I simply recently have a miscarriage and I don't think I've completely gotten over it. Is that adjectives?

Give it acouple days. I used to get hit by the super sized ones along time ago. Wasnt fun but I get even with the idiots hahahaha. I played the heartbreaking card and reported them and when I saw I had them contained by the palm of my hand I crushed them adjectives. And youd think this type of stuff never happen in a private college but it did and probaly still does.

Did I swallow a rock?

You have any bleeding or sharp pains yes i would be concerned . Don't bound to conclusions though cause you will hold some pain and bruising so you will hold to see if anything else is that is out of the familiar .

How to determine that she is faking orgasm?

it could, but if it have, you would already know..

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