Am i the right consignment?

I am 14 years old and 150cm high but i weigh 34.8Kg and i was in recent times wondering if i am under cargo?

all my friends keep hold of on sayin to me "god dee your well skinny" and i surface that is approaching walking up to a fat entity and goin "god your well fat"

soz if i affronted you then!

but i am the right weightiness!?


You are pretty small. If you want to check use this website

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So basically your approaching an elf, LOL, really small. As long as you look natural and your not trying to be too skinny, be you. But 14 and under 100 Ibs is alarming don't you agree.

Idk what it is?

you should do a BMI test.

your solidity in lbs/your increase in inches/your loftiness in inches x 703

between 18 and 25 ur well brought-up. above = overweight, below= underweight

Can you have a pelvic exam while on your extent?

Um... I'm American, so your metric units aren't aware with me and I'm too laid-back to do the conversion.

But, you can look up a BMI (body mass index) calculator on the web and find out. (And yes, you can use metric unit.) If your friends are saying you're water down, then I'd believe them. If they're acting approaching you're TOO thin, put in the picture them that it hurts your feelings when they say-so that and to please not comment on your weight anymore.

Whats a douch pod?

go eat some macdonalds your question are so annoying you shouldnt be wearing make up or humanitarian how you look so much get over yourself your friends are right your too skinny but you crave on the attention and lol at the being who called you a imp

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