After a time of year of self-denial why does sex hurt?
PLEASE HELP!! i have an idea that i made a mistake?
Use this: ...KY Jelly. It's wonderful! Truely wonderful!!its because your vagina tightens back up. many guys enjoy also told me im tighter/smaller than usual and are always amazed at how tight i am-many tell me i get the impression like a virgin. intercourse is always tender for me at first regardless of how large or small the guy's penis is. its just the opening i am
Is it ok if you be aware of disseness and vomiting after going through scrape of your uterus?
the more you have sex, the bigger the opening get. it gets stretched over time. maybe that's not the overnight case though, are you sure you have enough lubrication?Menstruation on 7 days (FIRST TIME) Is this run of the mill?
Sue Johanson say that eventually the vagina will go back to its productive tightness after a long period of time. It will never go wager on when you have children.I CANT ANSWE THIS BECAUSE I DONT KNOW WHAT ABSTINENCE OR MORESO OOR PENETRATION MEAN
How to remove a stuck today's sponge from the cirvex?
Do women fart or do they not work similar to "men" ?
I shave my legs and my arms and adjectives but theres another place im curious roughly speaking. (Girls ONLY)?