Do you ever nibble an onion while you suck a womans nipple?

I think that sometimes my breast smells similar to onion when somebody sucks it... have you ever epxerienced such a item? what can I do to change it?

Blood Clots/Periods?

hmmm...a perfect strong soap......maybe look at your diet...or it may be surrounded by your you capture any complaints? I know diet does effect breast feeding...but to be exact for breast milk...check the diet first...but guys really do not long as they attain to go at the nipple.

For yesteryear few weeks?

Maybe try showering with an antibacterial soap or body hose beforehand?

If you're spraying perfume on your throat in the morning, then by dark time it's possible for your body chemistry to break down the perfume. I have a couple of kind of perfume that smell wonderful in the morning, but by 8pm they smell approaching armpits.

Common for a 7 year old to enjoy B.O?

Fenugreek....then you nipples will zest like maple syrup.
Best when sprouted from the seed and eat each day until you smell like maple syrup. Under arms smell so sweet. Each organ have it's own smell and will penetrate through the skin.

If i masturbate too much will my penis tip out off?

I onced experienced that on a woman, her nip released a sort of smell when sucked everytime, a bit approaching an underarm smell but she has devout personal hygiene, The other time I have that experience is next to a pregnant woman but before she get pregnant she didnt released that smell so I guess it hormonal.

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