Girls only... please answer motive i really need sustain?

Ok im in 7th order and tomorrow is my first day at academy with my extent where should i put my pad should i carry them around surrounded by a purse etc.

Scar tissue on breast preeventing accurate scans?

aha correct question
if you don't want to carry your pack all the time, slip your wipe in your jeans, beneath your shirt just formerly going to the rest room. that's waht I did
another way is to seize a big wallet and put it inside your wallet
also, you can wear pants beside lots of pokets
good luck

Please answer?


backpack, or purse.

My hand n legs sweats deeply is it any kind of deasease?

I other carried mine in my purse when I was within school. But your backpack will work too.

How can I construct myself feel better?

you poor article! use your purse or your backpack. your purse would be easier to transport into the bathroom. Remember to change them frequently also. obedient luck!

Can u still be pregnant after abortion if u have period?

calm down why would you want to hide it i be determined i don't have it but but you can always put it contained by your pocket

Does anyone ELSE despise hormonal fluctuations?

I always kept my pad in my backpack when I be your age...or in my pocket...your locker within a pouch is great, too, if you have a locker.

I started have my cycles WAY early, so it a short time ago never bothered me when I got to the age everyone *normally* starts to verbs about have "hiding places".

Contraceptive Methods?

If you carry a purse to academy regularly that is where on earth I would put them, then it is assured to take beside you to the bathroom and no one desires to know. If you don't carry a purse I would a moment ago take one and stick it within your pocket if it is thin satisfactory to not be seen, but I regard a purse is the best bet.

Verry irregular help?

If you purse have a zipper on the inside put it in there. Or if you own a make-up shield and you don't carry cause up, put it inside of your purse or book bag.

Can somebody explain to me the menstrual cycle?

I convey mine in a little manufacture up bag and throw within a book bag.

Does anyone Know what this could be from?

just put them surrounded by the safest nearest place to where you can go and get to them if needed. Put 1 or 2 in yur pockets if u want to!.flawless luck!

How often do you?

I've carried them within my purse since i got mine when i be in 5th status thats probably.
a purse is the best thing to get them in, because they're nontoxic and out of sight and other near by within case of emergency.

What does it mingy when you have white stuff seep on your underwear?

ok so what i would do is put some in my p.e. locker and key locker and yes also carry a few surrounded by your purse just within case

Please backing me! I'm REALLY nervous in the region of this!?

If you carry a pencil case that you can't see through, that's a good place. Otherwise, if you own a locker, you can leave them contained by there and a short time ago grab them on your path to the restroom. Or if you carry your wager on pack with you, of late keep them within there. If you start using tampons, the Tampax Compact ones fit really in good health in your sock and consequently nobody ever sees them.

Is it commonplace to have stretch results?

Take them to school surrounded by your backpack. If you are wearing jeans, put it in your back pocket before you move about to the bathroom. Good luck! Remember also, not to be embarrassed nearly it. Every girl/woman goes through it.

Can fast help cure or shorten prolonged menstrual cycles.?

if you dont generally carry a purse, dont start tomorrow cuz it will variety you feel more unexpected. just keep hold of a couple in your backpack, stash some extras surrounded by the back of your locker for emergency and keep one contained by your pocket. that way if you are within class and you dont want someone to see you fumbling to get it out of your backpack, you own it right there. it will be ok, dont wear white pant, and you will be just fine, i promise.

Ive be taking ortho-cept for 10 days and i already had unprotected sex what are the posibility of getting pr

Just put em in ur pocket and if anyone say "EWW!" Just tell em to be off u alone, youre a girl in 7th position, not like youre the merely one

Antibiotics and Birth Control?

You should but those thin pad that you can like put anywhere.
It's best to frequently switch your pad so bring a couple a long. Put them in your pay for pocket, purse, wallet, thin ones fit anywhere. And to avoid leak, frequently change. Good luck [:
If not, you can other use tampons and put them in your pencil bag LOl XD

My period is tardy and i have never missed a time and i have never be more than 2 days late.?

Yes. It would be best if you put them contained by a purse. If you put them in a backpack, you will look suspicious taking your backpack to the bathroom.and if you put them in your pocket, they could drop out.

You will be fine,infant girl. Just remember to change them every two-three hours. You should bear about 5 pad, just to be on the safe and sound side

How many days between respectively menstruation?

If you carry a purse usually, later yes, that is a exceptionally smart idea, but if you are uncommon to doing so (ie you usually have a backpack), a purse might be a touch bit of a hassle. In that case freshly putting it in a small bag (such as a cosmetics pouch) should do of late fine, and nobody should notice unless they're inquisitive and bother to look through your entire backpack. That's what I used to do and it worked just fine, though immediately I just chuck my pad in my book purse, since I'm older and it's no big traffic if any of my friends know I'm on my period. Don't verbs, I know how you feel-- You'll do fine and good luck on your first daylight of school :)!

I own a brutal case of PMS what can I do to calm down down?

I would carry them within whatever you would generally take to institution. Whether that be your purse, backpack, etc. If you do not normally take a purse from class to class keep it surrounded by your locker and carry your purse to the restroom surrounded by between classes. It is almost the end of the year for most kids so sway in nearby. You'll be a pro before the subsequent school year.

Lessen flow of extent?!?!? HELP!?

Yep, carry a couple contained by your purse.

How long does your period closing?

honestly i wouldn't put them in your pockets b/c it could go down out or something..idunno just seem like an degrading situation could come from that
i would put them in your purse

This is for ladies ONLY!?

I fetch a makeup bag where on earth ever I go so I put them within there.

Women individual please: lingering dirty attitude..?

just your backpack in your locker. LOCK YOUR LOCKER THOUGH. i know some kids at my conservatory dont, and every once and a while you see a tampon rolling around on the floor. DO NOT put them in your sweatshirt pockets or other pockets, they fall out sooooo slickly. my friend learned that the strong way... :D honest luckk

Hiya, i came bad my contraceptive pill about 3 months ago, i enjoy never suffered with spots?

oh this is too cute.. yes honey you can only just put them in your purse or backpack basically make sure to closure it up. Don't be embarrased it's just a sector of becoming a woman.

I need assistance?.?

i found a little backpack to put thwem in later i put the bag surrounded by my locker it works really great

Very painful sex..obligation answers please!?

okay first you need to chill if your worried that u own your period and want to carry them near you it will effect your life mentally here's what you should do.

1) if you own a purse with rather pocket inside it put the pad contained by there
2)carry extra money with you purely in luggage you forget to bring a pad to university so you can get one from a peddler.
3) or carry one contained by your pocket, book bag, or unnoticed in your binder

How Can I lose five pounds?

this sounds really unexpected but i put mine in an old specs case

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