Contraceptive Methods?

Hi, Ive been on the pill for 15 years and lately had blood clots surrounded by both lungs. Doctor recommended to come off the pill as it could hold been a factor.
My problem is that I dont know what method to use.
I am not a perfect candidate for surgery because of the medication I am presently on, and my partner is totall against getting the snip.
I have spoken to my doctor but I purely cant work out what would be best for me.
I would appreciate what other ladies have experienced beside different contraception.


I really need your serve!?

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This link explains the a mixture of methods available;

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I'd speak your man has the problem. It is far easier for him to enjoy the surgery and it is over in 3 or 4 days. It doesn't build him any less of a man. From one who know.

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I have used birth control pills contained by the past and didn't approaching them. I now enjoy and IUD called mirena. I LOVE IT. Once your doctor puts it contained by it is good for 5 years. When the 5 years is up you can simply enjoy another one put in. You don't own to worry roughly taking anything on a daily reason and it is 99% effective a moment ago like the pills. There are smaller amount side effects then the pill. The just thing that I enjoy experienced is that I don't have my time of year anymore. I only spot every couple of months. Most insurance covers it even if they don't cover the pill. Neither you nor your husband can make clear to that it is there. I enjoy listed a net site where you can be in motion and read about it. Good luck

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Your partner is self selfish! Unquestionably Vasectomy is the safest method of contraception for you. Dammit you hold taken the pill for 15 years, isn't it time he took his share of the responsibility!

If you were my long-suffering I would insist that you brought him to the surgery for a discussion, perhaps he solely needs reassurance that this is a trivial 20 minute op below local which will no way affect his manhood. In certainty having the snip would tend to increase his macho carving!

Failing this I suppose a non-hormone copper coil would be an option.

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do NOT own the depo injection!! lol. i got pregnant on the ruddy item! wouldnt change it...i lately dnt kno for AGES cuz i was so sure i culdnt b pregnant. anyway, u culd try the ord method. its a small rod inserted in ur arm (near ur armpit). some times its a lil visable, but lone if u REALLY look...and hey..who's guno look that closely at ur armpit? each 'rod' last for 5 yrs, can b taken out at anytime, and has a reduced amount of risks than the pill. plus then u dnt hav 2 remember 2 step docs every 6 months to get more pills...freshly every 5 yrs (which they'll tell u when ur appointment is to disguss if u want a clean one..and then write agn 2 report ur when ur appointment is to get the latest one) which is SO much easier!!

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Ask your doctor give or take a few getting an IUD. It lasts for up to five years and best of adjectives, NO periods!

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Your partner sounds close to a pr*|ck. Are you sure you really want to be with him? I'm not playing around, a decent man would not put his parner thro this. If both of you absolutely don't want children, what is his problem? You better face the certainty that he just doesn't want children next to you. That's what it sounds like to me.

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Hello. I would recommmend a copper coil (IUD). There are positively no hormones included (Ther Merina coil has hormones). The downside is that your period may get heavier and final longer and be more painful. I hold seen your other answers in relation to your partner having a vasectomy - I regard as they are being a bit discordant on him to be honest. We are talking just about men here - and their pride and joy! Me and my partner do not want children but as a woman, I would not want to be steralised which would be the most apparent solution - it's too final so, it is the same for a man. Your line planning clinic can fit the coil for you or, you can pay privately. It can be discomfited to have it fitted but once it is surrounded by place, you and your partner will not know that it's there and you can both relax.

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ask your partner would he a bit live without his little swimmers or you. how dare he read aloud he is against the snip he doesnt need them for anything apart from making babies are you or he planning on any more. you equally need your womb and everything else for your healh to hang on to your hormones in check and have a sterilisation is risky for women, the pill doesnt suiut yu anymore if an implant is out of the quiz as well later all you own is condoms and by the sounds of your husband he wont like these any. so he either have thesnip and stops being so careless or he never gets any again

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