Hiya, i come off my contraceptive pill nearly 3 months ago, i have never suffered beside spots?

i now seem to be to get a bright spot everyday, roughly having around 8 or 9 spots at one time, is at hand anything i can do?

After a d and c?

This could be a reaction to the instant fine-tuning in hormone level when stop the pill. It should settle down within 3 to 4 months. If not i'd speak to your doctor as it may be the nouns of adult acne which have been kept at inlet till now by the contraceptive pill.

Epilator during pregnancy? Is it sheltered?

Its probably the body rebalancing the hormones in your body - The pill is sometimes given to people who bring back spots as it can get rid of them.

it can also filch a year for the pill to get out of your body, so you might basically have to loaf it out.

but keep your skin meticulously verbs and get lots of fresh nouns and sunshine and it will get better soon.

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