Lessen flow of length?!?!? HELP!?

i just get my period today. =/ i enjoy the heaviest period out of anyone i know. i budge thourgh probably 6 pads a year. the worst part is that i hold a retreat that im going to this weekend.. its a 2 1/2 hour bus ride with no bathroom brakes!! plus at the retreat i cant move about to the bathroom every hour like i usually do when i own mine. so im so petrified! its all sunshine saturday and sunday.
HOW DO YOU LESSEN THE FLOW?! dont tell me i cant cuz i know you can. and also dont speak foods that i should stay away from. that type of stuff isnt true for me. i wanted to purloin birth control but my mom wont let me. so i necessitate a method!! some cures!! something i can take!! ANYTHING! i am desperate.
thankkkkkkkkkkkkkkks. =/

Are near any natural ways to cure vaginitis?

Dont believe everything you read. These population DONT know what they are talking just about. They are birth control pills you can take to comfort. You and OB/GYN doc can discuss which method is best for you. They even have pills to stop your flow adjectives together.

I have a sound out about the Depo-provera shotcan someone facilitate?

6 pads a morning is not a lot as you are supposed to translation your pad every 4 hours. There is no instrument to lessen your flow and wherever you deduce you heard that you can it is not true. As a nurse for over 33 years I can medically detail you that there is zilch you can do to lessen the flow.

I had a hysterectomy, Novemember will be two years, and I am have horible hot flashes.?

okay your DIET has to modify.

if your flow is THAT heavy obv. somethings wrong and you're not getting plenty nutrition.

birth controll does not help the flow. i've be on mine for about a year in a minute and it's still just as hard to digest.

cut back on cafine and salf.. anything near cafine (tea, soda, chocolate) and start a week before your time so it wont build up.

theres no other cures sweetie && yes this IS true.

worked for me.

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