My stomach bloats more and more through the morning?

I am getting a little concerned give or take a few why my stomach seems to find more and more bloated through the day. I devour breakfast, i dont generally guzzle lunch (but i do occasionally) and i eat a conventional healthy dinner.

Hour by hour my stomach seem to get more and more bloated and it is becoming massively uncomfortable, i consistency very irratable in the region of this as it makes me have a feeling self-consious.

Please, please does anyone know why?, what,? causes this and if so do you know of any remedies.

Thankyou for taking the time to read and reply.

Is true that it out of danger to have sex 7 days until that time and after you period?

You don't speak how old you are. I would suggest you see your doctor and gossip it over with a professional.
I hold IBS but would not rush to suggest you have duplicate.
See your doctor and you may be sent for tests. At lowest you will have your mind set at rest.
Sure adjectives will be OK, you may just hold to watch what you drink.

First period?

Do you drink carbonated drinks such as soda? If so stop - not a soul should drink soda.
Replace it with liquid and water. Are you experiencing constipation? Also sure food will also cause this. You may even own a problem with dairy - implication being lactose intolerant.

What is a obedient age to have sex?

Sounds approaching some form of food intolerance. Try leaving stale yeast products and also wheat. You can buy alot of gluten free stuff now tho its for a time expensive but worth it to feel better and still relish the foods you like. You could also try a over the counter remedy call deflatine, it stops gas forming in your tum. Hope you get it sorted cos I know what its close to and its horrid.

Have you ever had an IUD?

fizzy drinks and bread can bloat ya

Does migraleve work an can u cart?

Sounds like a hypersensitivity to something you are eating or drinking. Try taking Buscopan tablets which should give a hand. You can buy them over the counter at the pharmacy and they are for irritable bowel syndrome. I find spicy food, white bread, coffee, onion, cause me to bloat

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