Can somebody explain to me the menstrual cycle?

like for how many days and that sort of stuff


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I'm sure this is in your biology book.

Menstrual cycle is counted surrounded by days with sunshine one being the first afternoon of menstration (your period). The "average" period is 5 days but this varies from woman to woman. As do signs and symptoms and flow intensity.

The extent itself is the shedding of the uterine lining. There is in fact very littlle blood content surrounded by it, mostly tissue.

At about afternoon 12 the uterine lining begin to build up again. Around day 14 ovulation occur, egg released from ovary. It travels down the fallopian tube for the next 10-13 days. If no fertilization occur, the egg and uterine lining are shed again.

On average this is a 28 year cycle. But again, length, intensity, signs and symptoms all change from woman to woman.

Also other things like basal body warmth and cervical mucous and hormone levels are varying in predictable pattern as a secondary effect of the cycle as capably.

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Girls can come into their cycle anywhere from 8 to 15, largely speaking. Most do not have any cramp but just start the bleed. It typically last 4-5 days little by little getting less as time go by. The cycle generally starts every 28-30 days. It is esteemed for gals to know this is normal growth change. Once a girl ovulates she is able to become pregnant and should hold all precautions if she become sexually active.

Which would you a bit have, a boil or a yeast infection?

it varries for everyone, 3 to 7 days usually

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