I really need your support!?

i have sweaty armpits adjectives the time and it ruins all my clothes even on days its isnt hot!. the sweat doesnt smell but my clothes enjoy huge stains from the sweat. i have tried lots of different deoderents but none of them work. please i really nees oblige.

All Of A Sudden I Have A Heavy Period?

Talk to your Dr, maybe you own overactive sweat glands.

Good luck!

What do breast cancer tumors feel close to?

your doctor can give you a prescription for this

How long after I cart the morning after pill will I get my spell?

You dont need deodorants, newly anti-persperants

Iam a 17 yr female i enjoy a painful term and i dont knw to take a toilet wad any one help me can u speak me do

need to bring clothes and deronant for it can help you and u entail to cut your armpits that why.

Missed period! HELP!!?

hi orlaith my heading is orla too...lol go to ur gp and see what he say..other than that it could be merely a phase...try wearin non synthetic clothes they would make anyone sweat!

Period - It HURTS!?

Go to the dr's and ask them,maybe you have an overactive thyroid

Can taking antiVIRAL medication effect birth control worth? i know that antibiotics can,?

I have you be to the doctors, they might be able to help out you more, could it be an alergic reaction perphaps?


you can go for talcum powders,a bit than deo"s...i guess.check for a doctor.you can find the reason...

My wife have pelvic floor dysfunction?

Maybe some powder can help engage?

How can the spiritual feelings contained by the vaginal area be explained?

there are sweat pad u can buy from the pharmacy or beauty store

Should I lug birth control to regulate my periods?

i hold the same problem but its near my whole body, i get some anti-persperant deoderent and it worked for me, now i lately need something for my facade, chest, and legs

Is it normal for your term to turn off and on?

Botox, if you can afford it. Read these links below...

What happen to my period?

"Secret" a short time ago came out next to a"Clinical Strength" formula--I'm sure it not cheap, but it might work!

Are condoms on their own an effective form of birthcontrol?

Take a small can of deoderent beside you everywhere and try and wash below your arms alot more. Hope that helps for a moment ?

I have a urinary tract infection when can I enjoy sex again?

they have some unknown deo thats prescription strength but u can buy at walmart or eckerd. i saw it on tv so it might help u since it is stronger than other deos.

Ladies: serious examine??

Drysol- ask your doc for it, it's awesome

here's some info : "what is drysol": http://www.drugstore.com/qxa1067_333181_...

36 weeks with fibroid tumors-Will I take home it to 40 weeks?

I think you should shift and see a doctor. That's what I would do. My friend had a problem kindly of like that. She go to her doctor and it helped her seriously.

Shakeyness after Bikeing?

go to your doctors and explain to him about your problem he will prescribe something for it

One teatime a day? Has anyone have success next to it?

you could put pieces of foam under you armpits that would work especially well

16 and my term still isnt regular?

Try this website- ITS AWESOME for any teen. (girl)

Im 12 years old and my period are.?

You may want to see a doctor about the sweating. As far as deodorants step, I really like Secret Platinum. I dont use the solids though because I prefer the soft solids better. More coverage. To get the stains outta your shirts, buy some OxyClean and soak them...it get out pretty much anything...soak them overnight. Dont worry almost the sweating, for some people it's a conventional way of duration. Just see the doctor, because he can give you something to comfort.

Hi i want to know that if we had sex near our wife sprem realised into vigina during sex is coming out is thi

Did you try Sudden Dry antiperspirant? I, too sweat profusely under copious arms. There is a surgery that actually removes the sweat glands from your armpits, but I am not sure if it's considered cosmetic on the other hand.

Sore breast. not sore anymore?

I've had that problem within the past and can assure you that Certain Dri works! You enjoy to use it every day for a full week and consequently a few times a week + your regular deoderant thus forward. Also, Secret Platnium works the best out of your typical choices. I use Kiss My Face Peaceful Patchouli, which can be found at health food/organic stores. It's a bit pricey, but in good health worth it!

I went to the doctor come to an end of april im not prego? what else can be wrong? im 3 months late. dr doesnt know?

this is a condition call hyperhidrosis. i have it. here is a product you can buy called Maxim. you can find it at
it's the just product on the market that i own used that works. really works. i could go outside on a hot hours of daylight with layer of clothes on and not sweat. it's only $14 for a bottle that will end a couple months

Apart from abstinence what is the best form of contraception?

put maxi pad under your armpits.
no,don't do that...I be only comedy.
I think perchance you should see a doctor. there could be a MEDICAL rationale for it. just to be sure. otherwise convey tissues to dab below your arms as needed to soak it up so it doesn't get overwhelming.

hmmm very well now that I reason of it, I guess you could use light days feminine pad (the realy thin ones) or nursing pad under your armpits to soak up perspiration. basically stick them to your shirt. I guess that joke be useful after adjectives. who knew?

For the ladiesOur first time?

you should homily to your doctor about getting a prescription deodorant

What should I do give or take a few my 14 yo who has vaginal discharge?

You don`t read out where you are but contained by uk there is ARID and ARID EXTRA. They are BRILLIANT. If you try them and they don`t work for you - see your gp - he will tender you something on prescription. Good luck !

What can i do to prevent constipation and headaches back my period?

have you tried clandestine clinical strength advanced solid antiperspirant? i have a friend who suffers from this and up to that time she found this form of secret she have went to a robustness food store and they told her what kind of herb to take and they help. But she found this new classified and it really works. hope this helps ...

Another query re: PMS?

i advice you to be in motion for a doctor b'coz there is some treatment that could stop adjectives the sweats by surgery i know a friend who did it and she is fine with it right in a minute


Oh my gosh. I have have the same problem my unharmed life. Cold or hot I sweat. I started using right guard for men clear stick. I consistency that it helps a moment or two plus it doesn't leave residue close to womens deoderant. Make sure that your deoderant is also an antipersperant (spelling?) The other thing i use is call Drysol. It's a prescription from my doctor but it really helps. I start the using it on a Sunday and after every other day for a week and it will ultimate about 2-3 weeks beside no sweating and then repeat the process. I notice if I used it to often I would draw from a burn like impulsive in my armpits. Hope this help.

Girls please help?

I don't know if you hold tried this specific brand or not but Secret has come out next to a new anti-perspirant specifically supposedly clinical strength. I have also hear that botox injections may help within keeping excessive sweating at bay for up to a few weeks or months I believe. Try contacting a local dermatologist for more info.

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