Shakeyness after Bikeing?

I bought a brand new bike, and a kid trailor to verbs behind, Everytime I ride the bike, I have a feeling like I'm going to lightheaded, my legs start shaking and it hurts to breathe. Kinda feels resembling I have extreme heartburn everytime I breathe. Now when I'm done, I attain off the bike, and have a feeling like I'm going to wobbly, just similar to getting off a roller coaster. I can just walk, and my legs get the impression like within going to give out any min. Why is this going on, everytime I get on for a ride?


Strange orgasm problems.?

It's most probably the certainty that you're either uncommon to all of the riding, or that the kid trailor is of late too much weight/stress

Try shorter rides, or less strain. Might help

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