One teatime a day? Has anyone have success beside it?

Before people budge on telling me to chomp through healthy, cut out cast-offs and all that. I do. I don't drink pop or anything ike that, I don't devour junk food, I guzzle healthy, but I'm trying terrifically hard to lsoe counterweight. I play hockey 6 times a week and hit the gym in between.

I also drink atleast 2 L's of marine a day. I'm 18, 5'4 145 lbs

I lost 8 lbs a month ago and in that was no notiable metamorphosis. I want to lose between 20-30. So has anyone have success on ingestion one meal a time?

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i lost 72lbs in 8 months on one suppertime in the morning which consisted of nearly 1000 calories of fruits,vegetables,wheat bread and natural peanut i walked for at most minuscule 2 hours a day and individual drank water.

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eating only one teatime a day is makeing your body store the rotund from the food you do eat because it does not know when it is going to achieve to eat again. You obligation to eat 6 times a afternoon but very small meal ....... lots of protein and vegi's it will speed up your metabolism so you can burn the fat sour.

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I've hear of a couple people who have success, but most individuals don't. Only eating once a light of day slows down your metabolism too much, it's better to eat small meal 4-5 times a day. ( Small approaching a bowl of healthy cereal, salads-fat-free dressing, or a turkey sandwich on wheat bread- no mayo). This keep your metabolism going all time without taking in too heaps calories.

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I have a desperate habit of one and only eating once a year and i never lose weight. I enjoy actually found drinking more if you are eating right works best. I used consignment watchers. I found on that diet i was consumption more in a daytime that i usually did in three days but the pounds only just melted rotten. I lost 40lbs. in lower than 3 months

Think about it this mode you are working out all the time and not giving your body adequate fuel. Your body learns to store and slow your metabolism because you own trained it that way. Keep exercising but munch through more to get your metabolism up. Good luck

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Eating one breakfast time a day will take home your body think you are adjectives and that will make your body be in motion into STARVATION MODE. Your metabolism will slow down and your body will begin to HOLD ON to any margarine.

A better way to jump would be to go on the GI (Glycemic Index) diet. It is an flowing good carb, low margarine diet which will keep your strength level up and give a hand you lose about 2 pounds a week. And, you catch to eat 3 meal and 3 snacks a day!

The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking of carbohydrates on a ascend from 0 to 100 according to the extent to which they raise blood sugar level after eating. Foods near a high GI are those which are hastily digested and absorbed and result contained by marked fluctuations surrounded by blood sugar levels. Low-GI foods, by uprightness of their slow digestion and absorption, produce gradual rises contained by blood sugar and insulin levels, and hold proven benefits for health. Low GI diets hold been shown to rearrange both glucose and lipid levels contained by people beside diabetes (type 1 and type 2). They have benefits for substance control because they help control appetite and hitch hunger. Low GI diets also reduce insulin level and insulin resistance.

Recent studies from Harvard School of Public Health indicate that the risks of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease are strongly related to the GI of the overall diet. In 1999, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recommended that people within industrialized countries base their diets on low-GI foods within order to prevent the most adjectives diseases of affluence, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

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I saw something on the news this morning that be very interesting call Reverse Dieting. This woman ate all her meal in reverse and have great results. No i don't me she threw up all time. I mean for breakfast she ate a full dinner (i.e. meatloaf, veggies, mash potatoes), lunch was lunch, and for dinner she ate breakfast ( a bowl of together wheat cereal) Give it a shot sounds a lot better than consumption one time a day and it make since because breakfast is the most important banquet of the day.

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I had a friend that doesnt own tons of time so she exersises and eats a bowl of cereal (thats perfect for you) with skim milk for breakfest within the morning and for lunch and dinner eats a shipment watchers meal next to veggies mixed in it . It looks resembling it works but that could be only for her.

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