Girls please relieve...?

first of all i know i hold nothign wrong with me because i already go to the doctor. after me and my bf have sex it starts to smeel down near, i just inevitability to know the best way to verbs my stuff after sex so it doesnt smell... i cant always lug a shower after sex, i really just call for to know the best way to receive ride fo this smell. like the best soap to use and other things. gratitude a lot

Will my boobs ever grow again?

Summers Eve has little handy mop up that you can keep contained by your purse, with that you in recent times put some on the TP and wipe until your clean. they also enjoy wipes. Give that a try.

Check out adjectives the products that they have contained by the womens aisle next to the pad and tampons they have simply about everything that you entail there.

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Use wipe, like you use on a toddler, and it should carry you over until you can shower.

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Maybe your bf is ratification on something.
Have him checked out or move on.

What would start if a man started taking birth control pills?

Summer's Eve has a "intimate wash" and they also hold intimate wipes that are worthy. They are sensitive enough to use everday if you choose to hang on to feeling re-energized try it!

Does anyone know the difference between Seasonale and Seasonique Birth control pills?

Go to the toilet after sex. It helps capture rid of the bacteria to be exact in your vagina after sex.

What is "a girls circumsision"?

There is something wrong beside you and it's called vaginitis and is most feasible caused by the germs called candida. Have your doctor run a examination for bacterial cultures and it's treated with a 1-5 sunshine course of antibiotics.

How was it your first time have sex? (women answer only)?

You need to find a contemporary boyfriend or use condoms so his fluids do not mix with yours.

Question roughly speaking stretch marks? not pregnancy stretch results!!?

First of all, don't use soap.
Second, did bf procure checked out too?

Wear a mini pad surrounded by your undies, and change it regularly as gravity take its course and you start to "drain".

I have never used a douche, so I can't right to be heard anything about that. But hold heard they work ably for some.

Birth Control pill side effects?

Soap and water. Never douche!. This will just flush bacteria up to your reproductive organs and increase your risks of developing P.I.D. (pelvic inflammatory disease) Urinate after sex, to assist decrease the risk of U.T.Is (urinary tract infections) You can use soaps approaching Dove. I know there are plentiful feminine hygiene products that claim to control odor. But be careful because frequent of these products tend to cause irritation. My best suggestion is to shower right after sex. Don't forget to use condoms, always!

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