Ladies: serious give somebody the third degree??

when u open your legs, what do u smell? (not self vulgar, just taking a poll)

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Usually not much at all, depends on my distraction and time in menstrual cycle. Ranges from sweet to zilch to slightly sweaty. (my natural body odour smells sweet, no I own no medical conditions, but I eat profusely of fruit.)

I think it is to some extent dependent on your diet and hydration. Just like other body odour.

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depends, if i work out damn it stinks! but if its in the morning, smells approaching lotion. if i have be sitting for a while, it smells a little sweaty.

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well i verbs mine twice a day so mine doesnt really enjoy a specific smell but if yours does i suggest summers eve

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The "SIZE" topic ::Honest replies from females singular please ?

It's hard to explain...

Most of the month, it's not strong ample to smell just by spreading my legs.

But, right back my period, within is this strange kind of musty smell that reminds me of blood and signals me to check my feminine hygiene stock.

Also, if you douche, don't use anything but vinegar and hose down douches. And don't use them more than once a month (I recommend after your period). My OB told me that using any of the other kind or using it too habitually can damage your bodies skilfulness to clean itself and can wreak you problems later on.

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When u shave ur legs duz it really grow put money on thicker and bigger in standard?

Hey, do be honest with you, I don't resembling the smell. It's kind of fishy (as within ocean-y) smelling. Not entirely unpleasant, men are supposed to like the smell.

Anyone can lend a hand?

OK. I'm weird, but when I smell mine it almost sometimes smells sweet and buttery-like. Don't know what that channel. I don't put anything on it to make it smell that road. Perhaps I should post my own question in the order of that. ^.^

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I don't smell anything.

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