All Of A Sudden I Have A Heavy Period?

I've always have a light time, but now it's really starchy. What should I do at school? I can solitary leave once for the restroom. I don't want to chat to my mom about it!

Worried roughly speaking periods?

how mature are you? if you're in your teens (i suppose you are), its pretty ordinary. besides, can you describe how heavy your flow is? if the bleeding is profuse, next you should go to your doctor... if its not, afterwards its pretty okay... if you're talking give or take a few having to regulation those thick sanitary pad every 3-4 hours then, it's fine. nil to worry in the order of...

by the way, i suggest you use those protective pads or those overnight pad... they are thick and they are long so you dont to verbs about stains... however, i suggest that you coppers your pads at lowest every 3-4 hours simply for hygenic purposes... if your teacher wont allow it consequently talk to your educationalist privately and ask for exemptions... im sure your teacher is grown enough to take the reason... and if yout mentor is a guy, trust me, he'll say yes =)

Periods Have to do beside my breasts (girls only please abet!)?

That happened to me a moment or two while back. My in general super regular perfect length started getting really out of control and not so correct. Try using a higher absorbency wipe (like overnights) at school, and try conversation to your teacher(s) about why you've get to leave. Just articulate you've got a woman's problem and you obligation to go nick care of it every so habitually. If they don't let you out, they're self sexist, and you need to collaborate to the principle. One last point, tell your mom, even if it feel really weird. She wishes to know for those late darkness "MOM!! I NEED MORE PADS!!!" and so that she can be prepared if she needs to discuss it next to your teacher/principle.

I passed a giant clot, any ideas on what's going on?

Sorry babe! I know it may be firm but You should talk to your mom and win into a docters appointment. You may have to attain birth control to help beside this problem. I knoe it is hard to make conversation to adults about this. I am 14 and hold gone thruogh it all. I would consult to them and get this problem fixed.

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