Apart from stinginess what is the best form of contraception?

I have tried tons contraceptive pills but didn't get o or putn near them( they made me feel depressed). I am immediately going to try the patch. Condoms aren't reliable enough I want something extra to ensure I do not win pregnant. Nothing seems to be side effect free.it's not too much to ask is it!!

What is this?

OK, capably there arer abundant types on contraception, and as we all know, it take a while for a woman to find the type that suits her best. Possibilities are;

The diaphragm and the cap
The sponge
Combined Pill
Progesterone only pill
The Patch
The Coil
The implant
The contraception injection (2 types available)
Natural birth control

I took around 3/4 years to find the right pill for me, it's call Loestrin. You can get surrounded by 2 sorts. Loestrin 20 or Loestrin 30. I use 30. All the difference is the level of hormones within each pill. Have you tried this one?

Make an appointment near a family planning clinic nurse. She'll be more command than a GP, afterall she specialises in the this nouns as well as conception. She'll be capable of give you proposal based on your experience on what to consider. Go contained by open to suggestions.

Wha I will articulate is that if you plan on trying for a family in the next 2 years, stay away from the injection. If not next you can consider it.

The natural method conisits of timing intercourse right. You necessitate to chart your fertility and know what days to avoid having intercourse around and on your fertile days.

The diaphragm or the sunhat may be what your looking for, they cover your cervix, therefor acting as a barrier to sperm. You call for to insert one each time prior to sex (a few hours in the past roughly) and left within place for about 5-6 hours after sex. The sponge is similar, however it is far from adjectives. It has spermicide inwardly it, and is put in to cover your cervix, again acting as a barricade. It is not as affective as other forms, only around 70 - 90%. There is also a risk of infection if not here in place for too long.

These are the ones I know sour the top of my head, I'm sure The nurse at the FPC (family planning clinic) can discuss these and any other option in more detail for you.

Hope you find what your looking for.


Oral sex or endow with him a hand job


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have you thought of asking your gp if is you can have the contraceptive injection. this is given every 3 months i believe

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the snip

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I used a diaphragm next to spermicidal jelly for decades, it worked great for me.

Is it okay to.(WOMEN)?

It may take several precautionary measures. Condoms, his pulling out against the clock, spermacides, all those things our parents tried, and still get pregnant anyway. Good luck.

Question about birth control pills?

I recognize your concern. Unfortunatly for you, I think depression as a side effect may be something you basically have to agreement with? It really is a anguish and I totaly understand, I be at the doctors just today, but I reflect all you can do it be on the pill and use a condom, and work on not human being depressed. Sounds silly, but I mean focus on that, because I dont cogitate you can avoid the depression. Good luck and god bless.

Later period?!?

The one and only type of contraceptive that is free of side effects is a condom. I enjoy been using them for over 8 years and enjoy noever gotten pregnant and haven't gotten any STD's. Even if you are on the pill or patch, you need a condom to protect you from diseases.

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Spend some time near a screaming baby and no sleep for days. That should work. There is no best form of contraception aside of self-denial.

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Don't know how old you are, but you can hold a coil fitted they are supposed to be reliable, but you should still use a condom to protect against sexual transmitted diseases. But you should speak to your family planning clinic or doctor. as for the pill it does hold side affects like bulk etc. Whatever you do just remember to think twice.

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Ive been on the pill injection. It is terrifically effective and aswell as mortal a contraceptive, it stops your periods which is ace!! I be on it for four years and it was great!! You hold the jab once every 12 weeks and thats it. Have a word beside your nurse or doctor. You are only intended to use the injection upto two years but dependant upon on your doctors advice.

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I basically came bad the pill after 4 years because of all the side effects. I knewa few women who get pregnant while using the patch, so i don't suggest them, especially if you got a bit extra meat on your bones. For the past two months I own been using a product call Ensure, it looks kind of similar to a suppository but its the spermicide they put in condoms. I found it contained by Wal-Mart next to the condoms. No side effects to mention, enormously affordable!

My period is abnormal?

CONDOM CONDOM it is the best the safest it is the only 1 that can protect you from STI if you enjoy 1 sexual partner that you trust then you should see your obstetrician or gynecologist who will abet you choose the right method for you.

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you havent mentioned if you are in a long occupancy relationship at the moment or whether its a new partner that you might not know their history..condoms enjoy to be the best as they are gonna protect you from diseases as well as pregnancy, they are up near at about 98% usefulness like the pill. double your safekeeping and have an surround in your arm, you can forget around them for a few years and you will still be covered.

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it may be tricky at first and can sometimes spoil the moment have to go and put it within but have you thought something like using the diaphragm and spermicide as well as making the man wear a condom. i devise this would make you remarkably protected. speak to your doctor though as he/she may have a better concept.

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Have it up the bum instead, it's just as devout once you get used to it.

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You are unlikely to be any better on the patch, it is an uncommonly used method of contraception, mainly because it is not largely liked. I would tend to avoid both these and implant.

There is no perfect method. I agree condoms are excellent surrounded by that they reduce the STD risk, in that only physical problem is their fail rate.

Standard coils increase interval problems. Mirena coils are increasingly popular and may indeed reduce or even stop period.

If you have tried several pills I would suggest you check if they be all combined oestrogen/progesterone? If you hold not yet tried a mini (progesterone only) pill, it might be worth trying one of the newer ones Cerazette. If this does suit, but you any dislike taking a pill everyday or are at risk of forgetting, you could try depo-provera. Don't try the injection before trying the mini pill first as you cannot reverse the effects for 3 months if you don't approaching it!

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