16 and my extent still isnt regular?

First, a few details:
1. im 16 years old
2. only be getting my period for nearly 2 years now
3. still irregular
4. when i do get my period, they tend to be 5-6 sometimes 7 days long and are heavy the complete time.
5. my period doesnt come some months and sometimes it comes every 35-49 days.

is this ordinary for me?
my doctor told me that after about a year of getting my length, it should become regular and it hasnt.
my doctor offered to let me start birth control to try and see if that would brand name it regular but my mother refused to allow it because she feel that would give me that thought that i can go around and hold sex and go raging. (not true)
is there anything i can do to possibly convice my mother to allow me to try the BC and regulate it? or is there anything i can try save for birth control to regulate?

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birth control pills are a well-mannered idea, especially if your doctor suggested it surrounded by the the first place. however, it seems close to your mother will not be convinced. try telling her everything you've told us and that you're NOT going to enjoy sex you are just concerned that it's affecting your vigour and see what she says. you could also jump to planned parenthood or a similar woman's clinic because you do not necessitate parental permission nearby.

Late period.. vaginal bleeding.. lend a hand!?

I think your doctor have the right idea here. He/she desires to talk to your mom.

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I'm 18 and I still own irregular periods. Maybe I should try birth control and describe you what happens..

Could it be menopause?

Mine have already been 2 years and 1 month...and still not exactly regular. Try the BC pill... It might work!

Otherwise, a short time ago be patient! My doctor said it will steal me 2 years to be normal...and still isn't. I'm going to go for another year (or a few more months) and see what happen. The next time you see your doctor, ask if nearby are any other options for your time to be normal.

Its serious?

This isn't as unpromising as you think, i get my period around 11 and this is my 4th year have it. If your like me consequently around this year or possibly next year it will settle down on one date bar jumping around adjectives the time.

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I am irregular myself and the doctors do recommend u to do bc pills or whatever because they enjoy teh patch, shot and more. I personally dont ruminate i want to take bc besides condoms because it make u automatically gain 10 pounds and it seems your appetite change and u are much moe lazier and laid back and idle. It really slows your metabolism down. So really i prefer not to take them but if u want to budge ahead and try to convince your mommy to let u . Probably because she know how those things make u gain and alot of it is not worthy for u. So if u do decide to do it. I desire u luck, and i hope you become regular. I have mine similar to every two months or so. I am ok with it. Also when i am contained by the same house hold of women you tend to receive your period more its really unexpected because i would get mine alot more when i be out visiting surrounded by alabama and i got mine second adjectives the time it was 0only 3 of us. fundamentally weird moral luck.

HELP my foot!!?

Most likely everything is fine but, have your doctor tested you for thyroid problems or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? These are two common cause of irregular periods because they mess next to your hormone levels. If your doctor *hasn't* checked you out for those, ask him to or gain a second opinion from someone who will.

And similar to the earlier responder said, even if you mom doesn't want you to capture birth control you can still go to Planned Parenthood.

Ahh, abet!?

it should get regular soon. mine took roughly 2 years to get regular.

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