Why doesn't headache medication work for me?

i take the recommend dose on the bottle, or what the doctor say to take, but it only just ever works for me. what i mean is sleeping medication, and misery pills. i'm 16 years old 5'6 and nearly 125 pounds, so im not huge or anything. i even take TRIPLE what it say on the bottle sometimes. it's like im immune to it or something. could that be possible? and im not taking sour brand or generics or anything like that.

& i'm chitchat about headache, stomach aches, cramps, or i'm taking over the counter sleeping aids. so its not close to excruciating pain. i've taken freakin codeine, vicodin, etc.

How come when I use this stuff.?

If you take aching medications too normally, you can develop tolerance to them, which means your body get used to the drugs being nearby & it takes more to carry an effect. If you get frequent headache, you may have developed something call medication overuse headache, which is when your body actually requires the medication to be at hand, or you get a headache. You in reality create a negative cycle where on earth you need the prescription, but it really doesn't do much for you, yet you run it to prevent the pain from getting worse. I am not clich?? this is what is going on in your case, but something similar to this is possible. It can even occur near simple over the counter medicines. I muse you should talk to your doctor something like this, or maybe even see a misery specialist. It doesn't sound resembling your doctor has be adequately manageing your strain, or explaining to you the dangers of using the meds so frequently. Your doctor requirements to get you the RIGHT prescription at the RIGHT dose (and maybe draw from you off some of the "extra" ones). I hope this help! Please know that I "accusing" you of anything either. If you weren't using the meds right, it really isn't your imperfection. It is often concrete to deal near pain, and sometimes it is trouble-free to think secure meds (like OTCs) are OK. (I know, I get frequent headaches/migraines myself. I am in a minute going to a neurologist & just starting to bring back them under control.)

Period over time off?

If yyou use the same one to much...it take more to work each time.

Help! I'm going to be getting my term on my honeymoon! How can I stop it?

you probably accidentally OD'd on the meds before when you tripled the dosage and presently your body must have a high tollerance 4 the meds.

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Some medicines don't work for some folks.

It's really important not to exceed the recommended dosage for tylenol or for anything that contains tylenol, because it's possible to wreck your liver with even a slight overdose.

For stomach ache, you should take something approaching pepto bismol. Painkillers might be more irritating to your stomach than the stomach ache.

You have need of to take the right meds for your problem, and you're more promising to get results. You should whip tylenol for headaches...whip caffeine with it and it will give a hand it work. Ibuprofen is good for cramps or muscle headache. For sleeping, you could take benadryl or melatonin.

First Period?

I need I had some glib answer for you a moment ago do this or that. But what really concerns me is why is a "apparently?" healthy 16yo party needing to cart sleeping aids and pain medication? The answers given are all correct. Taking more than the perscribed doses of any of that med is cruisin' for problems. But I judge I would recommend that you try to find out the causes of adjectives this pain. Perhaps you will find you don't entail any of those drugs in any dose. Sorry you are hurting. Good luck.

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