Hello there im singular 18 years old and I enjoy the most excruciating Periods...This morning I was curled up within a fetile position in bed and I have to take two midols and 4 aspirin for the twinge to go away and it took around an hour for that to work...I was cramping so fruitless,I felt approaching I was going to throw up..I dont want to go to the gyno...Im a virgin..If that info.help at all...And my sister have cystic fybrosis...What could be causing my Horrible unhealthy PERIODS??..

Can someone tell me what happen when u go to a gynocologist(I come up with thats how to spell it)?

Go see a gynecologist and have him or her do doesn`t matter what is necessary to see if you own endometriosis. Endometriosis can cause excruciating period. At your age, it's easily treatable, and your fertility can still be preserved. And please don't permit any doctor tell you that it's adjectives in your lead. Make them keep checking until they offer you an answer!

All Of A Sudden I Have A Heavy Period?

go talk to your doctor i know associates get sick of audible range this but it may be more seriouse than you think!

(for girls)?


Is it regular to get your interval 4 days before you start the 'white' at rest birth control pills?

I am so sorry for you.

Please go to the Dr. soon.
You could hold a serious but treatable illness, close to endometriosis, or ovarian cysts.
If left untreated, it can motive scarring and infertility.

Help with time of the month?

First of adjectives, don't take your mom's drugs. GET to a family circle doctor and/or a gynecologist - you need to find out the impose of all this - it could be profoundly of things, but it's better to know, then it can be deal with.

Is my bra size average?

Look up(mabey google) Dr. Joel Wallach or " Dead Doctors Dont Lie" and books by Kevin Tridaeu.
Calcium-Calcium-Calcium!... This can be completely gone next to 1500mg calcium citrate and 750mg magnesium citrate daily. Good luck, be economically, laugh noticeably.

Brown fluid from vagina? please help?

You poor item, that sounds awful. I would suggest going to the gyno. It doesn't matter if you're a virgin or not, an exam will not affect that. It is possible that she may prescribe some birth control pills to assistance with the cramping, they will regulate your hormones and oblige with the cramping and the weighty flow. Don't worry, taking the pill does not parsimonious that you have to own sex if you don't want to, it's still up to you! Also, make sure you report your doctor that it's your first time having that exam. (You don't hold to tell her you're a virgin if you don't want to).
If she does agree on to prescribe the pill for you, she will ask you some questions in the order of your lifestyle (smoking, drinking, etc) Make sure you answer her HONESTLY. Some habits such as smoking can increase the risks associated near the birth control pill. Remember, you don't have to be embarrased, these doctors see women exposed everyday, and think nought of it. Also, it's a good notion at your age to start having regular once a year exam anyway, whether or not you are sexually active. Good Luck

Help me plz?

This is excessive cramping for anyone and may be an indication of some more serious problem. Cramping that severe is deviant. If your mother or sister have endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome, at hand is a high odds you will as well.

I would take myself to the nearest clinic, emergency room for a look-see, ultrasound and MRI or CT scan, to rule those things out.

Also: Even if she is your mom - don't take any other unprescribed distress medication - everyone is different and you could have an allergy or adverse response to it.

Swimming and?

You need to see a gynecologist, or atleast hold a pap and pelvic by your regular doctor. You could have cysts on your ovaries.

What are pap test?

what your sister has is most probable hereditary, you should walk see a doctor, even if you are a virgin. the only path that youre going to get assist with the discomfort is for you to see a doctor so they can figure out whats going on. biddable luck

Girls? question?

Endometriosis be going to be my first guess but then you didn't mention the throbbing being within too many other places or anything else. It could be your estrogen level. With conditions dealing with menstrual discomfort, you're really going to need to become a detective yourself. Get a notebook and write every detail...I would also look in http://mymonthlycycles.com and track all of your symptoms not of late during your period but every afternoon. Headaches, acne, abdominal pains 2 weeks prior to your period...etc. You can run visit your Gyno asap, but you're going to want to track adjectives this info if you don't know much about it already. (I also achieve excrutiating cramps). Whatever the doctor suggests, take 24-48 hours to suppose about it...seriously. Research online information. Utilize WebMD to ask question on their message boards. If you have glorious estrogen (sometimes estrogen dominance), you do NOT want anything that contains estrogen hormones such as birth control pills because you're going to end up worse and beside TONS of weight gain. Unless nearby is an exact diagnosis made, insist your hormones are checked. You'll likely involve your thyroid checked as well. (I would certainly check both these things anyway because many problems can come from elevated estrogen levels, and only treating the "diagnosis" will not fix your hormones and prevent other things). My pains were so impossible I thought I'd pass out. Excedrine and motrin assist (and you can take them together...conventional dose of Excedrine and 800 mg of motrin, or 4 pills of 200 mg (regular strength) ibuprofen (motrin/advil)). I'd suggest no midol...I don't believe it's strong enough, and don't run 4 aspirin as you've done. It can cause serious side effects. (and absolutely don't take another party's medications) A heating wipe will help too, and for some object, at least for me, using tampons help...I don't know why, but it does (for me, sometimes). My estrogen is too high, and they looked-for to put in an IUD to relieve, that contains a progestrone...however after a ton of research I've decided NOT to step that route. I'm still in the process of conference information and will be getting my hormones checked soon. Good luck.

How to use a tampon?

Ok, you really need to dance see your doctor and do not be afraid. You could have endometriosis. I have it as a teeneger and then it get worse after I gave birth. I really does hurt, try grill on your stomche and back . The fatser you enjoy it check the faster you find relief. Do not be afraid it will be ok. Just enjoy it check with a OBGYN. Research it profusely and write down all of your question so you can ask your OBGYN. Keep a record every time you run through this when it happens beforehand during or after your cycle, how bad is your bleeding, do you hold clotting, do you passout, do you feel dizzy, your affliction level between 1 & 10. The more information you can contribute them that faster this process will go.
It is estimated that endometriosis affects between 10 and 15 percent of adjectives women of reproductive age. It occurs when tissue similar to the tissue that lines the uterus (endometrium) grows in other areas of a woman's body. Although it is out of the ordinary for endometrial tissue to grow outside of the uterus, endometriosis is not a form of cancer.

Endometriosis can occur at any time after puberty. It is most commonly diagnosed within a woman's twenties or early thirties although it can develop at any stage during a woman's reproductive years. A woman can even experience endometriosis after menopause, although this is smaller amount common.

Although it is possible to enjoy endometriosis without symptoms, the condition recurrently causes raw periods and other strain symptoms. Endometriosis may be associated with chronic pelvic niggle and the inability to get pregnant.

Symptoms of endometriosis include:

sore periods
prickly sex
painful bowel movements
sturdy or irregular bleeding

The cause of endometriosis is not particular. There are however several theories. The leading argument, at present, links endometriosis to a problem with the immune system. A frailty in the immune system may allow endometrial tissue to filch root and grow outside the uterus in women beside endometriosis.

Endometriosis is treated in several ways. Because respectively woman is different, treatment often take an individualized approach. Treatment may involve different combinations of medication, surgery, alternative approaches and/or lifestyle changes depending on what the treating healthcare professional recommend. There are different medications that are individual used. One of the most effective ways to treat endometriosis is through a surgical procedure call operative laparoscopy. This surgery is most effective surrounded by removing all the endometrial tissue when perform by a skilled surgeon with expertise within endometriosis surgery.

What should you eat when you surface bloated?

i get really doomed to failure cramps too, i take niacin, which is a blood thinner. it will stop your cramping but you'll bleed closely.


okay so I had this same exact problem... every time I would be down for the first two days..and i would cry the whole 2 days. So Because of the ovarion cancer on my moms side of the own flesh and blood i went to the doctor and told them what be going on... they put me on birth control...not necessarily because I was have sex but because it helps regulate your extent and make them pure...so last month i started my interval and i felt NO PAIN! you might want to check it out..planned fatherliness will give you birth control a couple months since they do the exam....im 18 and i know i wouldnt go for a long time because of the exam... hope this help a little...if you dont want to do that try heat pads..they work wonders..and believe it or not runninf help ALOT to..

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