Brown fluid from vagina? please serve?

i got touched down near yesterday for the 1st time. and today i noticed some sorta brown fluid on my underwear. not period because i had them on the 18th of closing month and today is only 11th. n besides, its not blood colour. what could be wrong? it doesnt hurt. but kinda freakin me out!is it common? please help...gratitude heaps

Is this normal? what could be wrong?

I know this sounds gross but blood turns brown when it have stained your underwear and has be there awhile and I don`t know dried.. And you may have have your hymen broken That could of caused the blood. If i.e. the case, no spoil done.

Take care of yourself!

Birth control pleeeeeeeeeeease relief! girls only?

Have you have any unprotected sex, or filmed on any porn sets lately. Its remarkably likely this is maple syrip probably log cottage or Aunt Jemimah.

Girls please help me!?!?

he could of scratched you

Can that appear?

Log cabin? It is MOLASSES!

How can you find out what an OB/GYN's stance is on pro-life/choice besides calling the department?

It looks like you've made a mistake adjectives among virgins and extreme right wing Christians. I'm not sure how to break this too you. It appears you've mistaken your asshole for your vagina. It's ok, it happens to the best of us. Not to verbs, that brown fluid will never bother you again, providing you avoid enchilada night.

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