HEY LADIES! if i get attacked by a guy what should i do to him ?


Do you have worthy or bad tampon experiences?

Report him to the police!

Are you girls/women within tune with your bodies?

Date him!

Anybody can narrate me, what are female and mannish condoms?how can i use it?advantages and disadvantages?

first i would kick him within the face next i would kick him surrounded by the ball consequently i would call the police and run away

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well...i would push him over check out his if his bum cheeks are not cute i would LEG IT!!

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The best thing to do is see the knee trilby. No matter who you are, if you find hit in the knees you are going down. After that, run.

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dont kill him or owt lol be carefull, a short time ago report him to the police, they will sort him out :)

What could this be?

chop his bollux off :)

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i agree chop his bollocks rotten then report him to the police

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pepper spray if in US or something somewhat similar in UK

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kick him surrounded by the balls

I'm 23 yrs oldI have my boobies done 3-yrs ago?

knee him in his bits

Should I really spend money on exercise equipment or a moment ago be happy near how I am?

shoot him lol or cud kick him surrounded by the nuts,wotever wrks for ya


I was told by a self safety instructor that one of the best things you could do is stick your thumbs in his eyes - yes, it sounds awful but if you're fighting for your time, so what?!

You should also kick him where on earth it will hurt him the most...!

And studies have shown that if you're going to cry, shout 'fire' because apparently this draws attention more than shouting 'help'.

Another tactic I've hear about is pretending you're roughly to throw up; this can apparently work sometimes.

Perhaps most importantly: make it clear that your attacker is NOT going to hold an easy time next to you, and that you're going to fight him adjectives the way - most assailants will want to strike promptly, especially if you're in a public place.

Also critical: do everything in your power to avoid being taken from the initial abduction site to a lower site; it will be more isolated, and far more dangerous for you.

I have my period since i be 13, im 14?

A kick between the legs vastly hard and run approaching hell to the nearest police station

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