Weird time pattern?

i started when i was 13, and im almost 18 now. item is, i still havn't gotten into a regulated pattern. it's been 4 years, and i'm wondering if there's anything i can do to relieve it calm down? more excersize? anything i can eat/take? because it's just so annoying when i don't even know when im gonna be on or not, so body plans i make are hit n miss or when i go on holiday, i in recent times don't have a clue

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1) You have unnamed how irregular your period is. I guess you write the dates down and divide the lenght in days. For example 28-26-28-29-27 is very regular, 26-30-28-31-27 is milieu regular but absolutely acceptable. How is your time of year pattern? It is impossible to give apposite advice without knowning the dimension of the problem.

2) Being on birth control pills alleviates problems near irregular patterns and makes it possible to plan the bleeding (which is within this case no real menstruation). This would be the best solution for your problem. Talk to you doctor!

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By 18 your spell should be more regular. Birth control pills are your best solution. They can make your period more regular and predictable. Hope this help :)

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take birth control pills your problem will be solved ,

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