What are girls physican/ check up resembling?

im a guy(yes i know) and im just wondering, what do girls do when they jump in to the doctors? for check-ups, physicals, and doesn`t matter what a gyno is.

Well am not trying to get pregnant and am 3 days behind time I am on birth control (patch) could i be pregnant?

Basically the same, they didn't do anything out of the universal in regard to my feminine parts, unless you complain about it.

At the OBGYN you seize a pap to check if you have cancer or sexually transmitting diseases.

You can also seize a mammogram and they check for cancer.

What are guy check-ups like? :D

Do you own a difficult time sleeping when you are on your period?

ALMOST impossible to tell apart things as a guy does

Why do i crave carbs so much when i have my term?

It's pretty normal, but they check your breasts for lumps. Other than that, it's close to any other check up.

Ummhuman FEMALE anatomy question..?

Same item as a male.check hear rate/blood pressure, check eyes/ears, reflex, etc.

The gyno thing, very well do you really have to ask? They in recent times swab to make sure you don't hold diseases or cancer. That's all!

Oh ya, and breast exam too!

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What do they DO to you?!?!? LOL. Really, they're not different in any route. At an annual physical, they weigh you, measure you, oral exam hearing and eyes, and check your heart and breathing. And that's pretty much it.

Girls back PLEASE!!!?

Until you've done a few times it can be a very mortified. The doctor does all the usual stuff as surrounded by a men's exam. Then the patient have breast exam. This is where the Dr. does an nouns of the breasts by feeling them to see if in attendance are any lumps. Then they do a pelvic exam. They insert a speculum ( a device that helps access the cervix) surrounded by the vagina which is very self-conscious and and examine your cervix for any abnormal cell that can cancer. They swab you and send the swab to the lab for carrying out tests. This is it in a nutshell.

Is this my first spell?

i think they do matching thing simply with your female parts instead

oh and to answer those guys questions: When the nurse comes within she takes my solidity,height,blood pressure. Then she tell me to get undressed into my underwear and next leaves. I sit there for in the order of 5 to ten minutes in my underwear(kidna uncomfortable) when the doctor comes in they use that stethiscope thingy and make me breath. Once we're done beside that they make me lay down on that bed piece. Then they use that thing again i guess to see how i breath lay down. Then they start pressing around the area beneath my belly button which feels kinda grotesque. Then they make me find up and bend over to check to see if i have scoliosis. Then when they're done THAT they bring in me drop my underwear so they can squeeze my nuts and make me cough for what i dont know but they trade name all these unnatural comments like "oh i see your shaving" and "fundamentally nice"

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