What are pap test?

Tell me all give or take a few them, I want to know everything.

Menstrual cycle?periods? Serious answers lone please!?

The Pap test, also call a Pap smear, checks for changes within the cells of your cervix. The cervix is the lower factor of the uterus (womb) that opens into the vagina (birth canal). The Pap interview can tell if you own an infection, abnormal (unhealthy) cervical cell, or cervical cancer.

A Pap test can pick up your life. It can find the earliest signs of cervical cancer - a adjectives cancer in women. If caught untimely, the chance of curing cervical cancer is thoroughly high. Pap test also can find infections and abnormal cervical cell that can turn into cancer cells. Treatment can prevent most cases of cervical cancer from developing.

Getting regular Pap test is the best thing you can do to prevent cervical cancer. About 13,000 women within America will find out they have cervical cancer this year. And surrounded by 2004, 3,500 women died from cervical cancer in the United States.

I could budge on for a long time, but here's the website:

Good luck!

Does 1st time hurt?

In gynecology, the Papanikolaou test or Papanicolaou try-out (also called Pap smear, Pap testing, cervical smear, or smear test) is a medical screening method primarily designed to detect premalignant and malignant processes in the ectocervix. It may also detect infections and abnormalities contained by the endocervix and endometrium.

The endocervix may be partially sample with the device used to get hold of the ectocervical sample but due to the anatomy of this nouns, consistent and reliable sampling cannot be guaranteed. As abnormal endocervical cell may be sampled, those examining them are qualified to recognize them.

The endometrium is circuitously sampled next to the device used to sample the ectocervix. Cells may exfoliate onto the cervix and be collected from in that, so as with endocervical cell, abnormal cell can be recognised if present but it the Pap Test should not be used as a screening tool for endometrial malignancy.

The pre-cancerous changes (called dysplasias or cervical or endocervical intraepithelial neoplasia) are usually cause by sexually transmitted human papillomaviruses (HPVs). The test aims to detect and prevent the progression of HPV-induced cervical cancer and other abnormality in the feminine genital tract by sampling cells from the outer vent of the cervix (Latin for "neck") of the uterus and the endocervix. The sampling technique changed very little since its invention by Georgios Papanikolaou (1883–1962) to detect cyclic hormonal change in vaginal cell in the hasty 20th century until the development of solution based cell thinlayer technology. The trial remains a highly important, widely used method for early detection of cervical cancer and pre-cancer.

It is mostly recommended that sexually active females hope Pap smear testing annually, although guidelines may come and go from country to country. If results are abnormal, and depending on the spirit of the abnormality, the test may obligation to be repeated in three to twelve months. If the abnormality requires closer scrutiny, the forgiving may be referred for detailed inspection of the cervix by colposcopy. The patient may also be referred for HPV DNA carrying out tests, which can serve as an adjunct (or even as an alternative) to Pap carrying out tests.

About 5% to 7% of pap smears produce abnormal results, such as dysplasia, possibly indicating a pre-cancerous condition. Although plentiful low grade cervical dysplasias spontaneously regress in need ever leading to cervical cancer, dysplasia can serve as an indication that increased vigilance is needed. Endocervical and endometrial abnormality can also be detected, as can a number of infectious processes, including yeast and Trichomonas vaginalis. A small proportion of abnormality are reported as of "uncertain significance".

Young Girl Problem?

its ya what that guy said up here.* i took out my freaking health book from college to dispense you the answer and this guy just copy paste..screw you!!

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When they scrape your cervix next to a popsicle stick that is a foot long next to a pointed end.

White bumps?

paptests are given to us females once a year when we any start on the birth control pill or when we start having sex. they do these to trade name sure that everything is okay inside the uterus.they can show things such as endimetriosis abnormalities, cycsts ect. it is greatly important for women to regularly enjoy one done every year for protection reasons. i will detail you thins that they are a litlle uncomfortable but not strain ful. what they do is put you up on the examing roon table then they place your legs contained by those stirups place a sheet over you then they spread your legs apart and put these tongs what they lokk similar to inot and pry them opem abit to see inside the vagins. then consequently proceed to take swabs next to a qtip and send it bad to the lab for testing. to be precise basically it. approaching i said before its for a moment uncomfortable but if it save your life from diseases it is worth it totally i hope this help you out a bit

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It's always thorny to beat plagiarism. But two points own been not here unsaid and these are what are the most important.

1. The pap smear wishes to be taken from the patient by a suitable practitioner who have an interest in acquiring the best possible preview of the transformation zone of the cervical area AND most importantly,

2. The pap smear requests to be sent to a registered and reputable cytology laboratory which is authorised to screen pap smears. If it is not sent to such a laboratory, afterwards the pap test is contained by all possibility, a waste of time for both long-suffering and clinician. The results are unreliable, unpredictable, non-reproducible and potentially life-threatening.

If you need to know more something like the scientific specifics of the pap smear, later you will need to travel to university to study because cytology is a specialised medical area involving considerable ease.

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