Stretch results??

I'm pretty underweight- BMI of 16.1, and I have stretch results on my butt. Why is that? Are they a form of cellulite? Do I need to lose freight? I thought you only get those when you are overweight? What can I do to get rid of them?

Answers:    To achieve rid of stretch marks, you obligation to enhance your skin's elasticity and provide it with a restorative to repair reduce to rubble already done. Stretch marks appear when your skin is stretched beyond its size. As your pregnancy progresses, the skin on your stomach and breasts is stretched. If the stretching happens hastily and your skin isn't sufficiently elastic, purplish-red lines - stretch grades - will appear.

At this point, you need to do two things:

Prevent the stretch results from growing by making the skin around the stretch marks more springy,
Make the stretch marks fade and verbs by restoring the damaged cell to a healthy state.
use bio grease works and will get rid of them gud luck You achieve stretch marks from growth spurts. It's basically a lack of collagen contained by your skin.
There are 2 kinds of stretch results, also:
The ones that go Up & Down - those are from growing wider (fatter)
The ones that run Left to Right - are from growing taller.

You can have both kind. Doesn't mean you are podginess.
I first got them when I be very skinny.

Unfortunately, not too much can be done to catch rid of stretch marks. You can put money into buying creams that will spawn them appear lighter.but you have to apply them everyday are single temporary results that stir away when you stop.
I've tried sooooo many things, but not one cream, vitamin, serum, or oil has worked for me. However, everyone's skin is different and you might find one that works okay for you.
Try Cocoa Butter or this cream is really good too http://www.stretch-mark.web

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