When having sex for the first time do you always bleed? And also, does it always hurt...t?

even if you masterbate?

Why do my boobs smell?

You may bleed. And, yes, it always hurts the first time! Obviously it starts to touch better or else individuals would stop doing it. (both)

Why do women need more calcium than men?

No and No. Also, masterbation should not hurt. That is, unless you're using a hackle brush or something to that effect.

Arm waxing?!?

i don't kno ask ur doctor

I get questions nearly the famale responce to sex?

Yes. He just busted your hymen wide-ranging open! I single know this because I myself have busted oodles a hymen, woot woot!

Embrassing question girls one and only please?

it didnt really hurt nor did i bleed the first time even when i masterbated

HELP..I am scared! I did something stupid!?

Yes and Yes. Only time it doesn't is if your hymen is already broken, some girls own a broken hymen already because of injury or just wear but most enjoy intact hymen and it hurts like the dickens and it bleeds the first few times in fact.

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Generally yes..when have sex for the 1st time your Hymen is torn when u r penetrated, which hurts because a piece of skin has only been torn away from your body and it lead to bleeding for the same pretext

What are the chances??

oh yeah...to both,it hurts(uncomfortable)

My length is a month late.. I have a tubal ligation 8 months ago?

A far as masturbation: It should not hurt unless you are using something that is cause the pain, if you are using your hand/fingers, you should not be capable of cause yourself anguish. As far as intercourse... yes the first time hurts, badly, and yes it is somewhat adjectives to bleed the first one or two times. anything more than that I would get checked out. God Bless.

Positive pregnancy test,hcg present but nothing on sonogram should i be concerned?

girl, yes the first time you hold sex you do bleed and it hurts like hell. more than credible it'll hurt the second and third time too.masturbation shouldn't hurt at all unless your using some type of purpose that wasn't made to stimulate you besides your finger or fingers. overall i'd say if you've have sex already tell your man to be as peaceable as possible the next time .

Are you robustness?

it really depends on the person, it burned for me but it didn't hurt, you may also bleed a few times after that. or start your length early. i did. i do want to detail you though if you are thinking about have sex make sure its beside someone you love and know is going to be around and is not after just one piece. make sure you use protection. unless your in place to start taking care of for a time one. also if its with that special someone if it does hurt he will respect your wishes and stop. but again u may not observe it hurts or not cause u can be to into the moment. obedient luck. use protection. god bless

Diarrhea with time of year? who else gets it approaching this.?

Its more of a sting, like a bikini wax or intricate slap, well thats how it be for me. But foreplay, which (turns you on so you dont notice the distress as much),helps your vagina relax and arranged itself for penetration, and the use of a lubricant close to k-y jelly significantly reduces the amount of backache.
Not all women bleed. As for the masturbation, that denpends if it involved access or not.
It will hurt the first few times, just use foreplay and lube and ask him to be serene...if he is worth it he will be understanding!

Period question. HELP!?

you may not bleed, you may have already broken the hymen yourself , it doesnt other hurt, use lube and make him wear a condom.

Answer plz?

no it doesn't other hurt...
mastubation shouldn't affect your first time (exept that you have some generous of idea of how to capture yourself off - which most guys conspicuously younger guys are pretty clueless about)

I didn't bleed and i didn't hurt
(that's my experience and i'm sticking to it)

your hymen can break from using tampons so it breaks very confidently (if it hasn't broken already)

ive been missing alot of period this past year is that a sign of premenapause?

I didn't bleed and wasn't contained by any real distress. It was humiliated, but if you are with someone that truly loves you, he will pinch his time!

The skin on my thighs/quads, etc is loose due to not much elasticity and stretch marks from growing soaring so

masterbating shouldn't hurt at all. not adjectives women bleed when they first start having sex and if they do, bleeding generally doens't last adjectives that long. every woman is different. bleeding sometimes goes for an hour or even 24 hours. as i said, every woman is different.

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