Kidney infection..?

I had UTI through out my pregnancy.My daughters going to be 10 months and for the final 10 months I've had torment. But for the last 5 months or so I hold been have alot of pain contained by my back.Do you muse it might be my kidneys?I also have be getting alot of abscesses or cyst EVERYWHERE.Should I dance get it check for mrsa or staff?

Answers:    It could be a urinary tract infection that have reached the Kidneys. It is somewhat credible, since you have have a history of UTI. Please visit a doctor to take some sort of imaging done (ultrasound), just to be risk-free.

If you are sexually active (and since you hold a kid, I'm guessing you are) you might have an STD. Many STDs would create abscesses or rash to appear on the skin, and they can cause swelling of the kidneys accompany with niggle.

Bottom line, stop by the doctor.

I also did some digging around and found an article about a woman who had similiar symptoms (everything except for abscesses) as resourcefully as a similiar history to you (UTI while pregnant). There are some posts about what you could do to serve yourself. Here you go:

Hope that help!
Where are the abscesses? It depends on their location as to whether or not it could be a staph infection. i would push for you to see a doctor, not only because of the absessed, but because MRSA is spreading hurriedly, and pain for the second 10 months cannot be comfortable..i hope that what they find is nothing serious, and if its MRSA you don't want to contribute it to your babies. Good luck!
i'm not sure about the abscess, but letting a UTI go untreated is harmful. it sounds like it unambiguously spread to your kidneys and you need to jump to the doctor NOW.

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