ive been missing alot of periods this past year is that a sign of premenapause?

im 36 years old so idont know if im around the age to start that or not and no im not pregnant

How long and how much black cohosh should be taken for the symptoms of menopause?

i would walk to your doctor i am 25 and when i missed periods i go to my doctors and found out i polycystic ovarian syndrome. that is vitally a hormonal imbalance and it also keep women from getting pregnant and causes you to gain substance especially in the stomache. and yes near are ways of helping with this. so dance to the doctor to rule out the possibility of a hormonal imbalance. of cours this is singular one possibility.

My friend hasn't had a term in several years and she want to grasp pregnant. she been to doctors no luck?

I dont imagine your old enuogh for that yet
Usually you are contained by your fiftys before you be in motion thruogh menapause

Just had to ask for support?

ummmmmmm... serious problem...
ohhhhh my god u have get..

I'm 5'3" and 97 pounds, what can I do to gain weight besides guzzle more?

well this does sometimes happen, this could be a travel case of premenapause, it sound similar to it is worrying you so you should go to see your doctor and see what they read aloud.

How can I learn to be more confident?

You seem to be kinda young to be head toward menopause. You could miss your period because of stress, shipment loss/weight gain, or you might have another condition similar to polycystic ovarian syndrome, that would cause your period to be sporadic and irregular. The best thing to do is walk see your gyn and tell him/her whats be going on.

Are there any exercise or pills to bring in my vagina tighter?

not really it just may be a sign of getting elder

Metformin and PCOS?

You could be pre-menapausal, or it could be a number of other things. Get a gyn check-up to be on the protected side, and a pap test.

why women are shy to show thier sensation of attraction to men and thier sexual feelings?

Let me ask: are a jogger or runner? Sometimes this will throw sour your periods. It is a bit uncommon for your age,,,,but, some women start surrounded by their 40's.and sadly adequate you are coming of that age. I began mine when I be 42 and I am now 50.it be the most horrible thing to budge through. You really should go see your Dr. or Gyno...that will put your mind at rest.

Is nearby sometime wrong with my breasts?

Are you ingestion properly and not dieting both of these can cause the symptoms you are discussion anout.

Also if you suffer from a lot of stress this can also be an underline cause.

To put your mind at rest why not net an appoint to see your GP.

All the best x

Facing her back, what do u approaching to see her wearing, a thong u move it aside or a bikini to lower down or naked

First of all, craft an appt. with your Gyn. You may be within pre-menopause. All women are different. Some begin this before than others. A true indication is your mother..what age was she. Remember this pre stage go on for many years. You won't be contained by menopause very soon. Anyway, see your doctor, near are test that can distribute you the answer you want. Lastly, don't be to concern if you are..just delight in this part of your vivacity. God Bless.

Vaginal Dryness & Pain 2?

Yes there is a possibility of you individual prone to premenapause. You are getting older hence your body is changing.

How can I serve my panic attacks?

I focus a lot of stress can throw stale your cycle. and the more you worry going on for it the more you stress. If you think it is premenapause, after just budge to your doctor. They can do some type of test, I don't know if it's blood or urine question paper, but they can tell you if you are and what stages you are into it.

Tips for first sex?

this may nouns strange but i read this in a book i didnt build this up. some gurls (very rare) go trough menopause when they merely got their period even when they are still teenagers. again it is very special but it happens to some gurls. so it might b ur goin trough ur menopause. u dont hold to nessecarly be 50 and over. but to make sure in recent times go to ur doctor. it might b sumthin totally different. its not virtuous to keep stressin roughly it without checkin it out

If you own any hymen left, can that be an indicationt hat you're sill a virgin?

Probably not . Missed period can be caused by assorted issues.
Like sudden weight gain , stress, or even sudden counterweight loss. The smart thing to do is to see your Doctor , at hand are hormon test they can help yourself to to deternine what exactly is going on in your body

Girls.Just Curious??


One more general examine about sex??

It is not unheard of to start menopause this childish, especially if your mother started young. However, in that are a lot of things that will effect your interval: medications, STRESS, counterweight loss, exercise, thyroid problems, STRESS, oh and did I mention STRESS?

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