Really need some advice on this!!?

I have sex something like 3 or 4 days ago and since later I own have vaginal itcing, slight bleeding (but not my period) and a strong odor. I dont own insurance to turn to the Dr. Is does this merely nouns similar to a yeast infection or something more? and if it is a yeast infection is nearby anything I can do to stop it bc I'm really broke and dont hold money to buy the drug. Please backing!

sharp pains during ovulation??

If it is a yeast infection, here are some inborn remedies that you can try-and you probably own the ingredients at home. If it is NOT a yeast infection, it will not hurt you to try these because they are unconscious. If you do not see any results within a few days (like a week) after you may want to see a doctor.

APPLE CIDER BATH- Sit contained by a tub of hose beside Apple Cider Vinegar poured in it. This one is moral, too, for children who procure yeast from antibiotics. Do this for 10-15 minutes on a daily basis. Twice a daytime rather. Sitting longer will not hurt-it's pure.
GARLIC DOUCHE: Blend 1 or 2 cloves of garlic within blender near 1 cup river. Strain and add on adequate dampen to form 1 quart of solution. Douche as usual.
GARLIC SUPPOSITORY: Insert a garlic CAPSULE (not tablet, not caplet) into vagina at dark. The gelatin coating will dissolve and disperse the garlic. (I've hear of some women inserting a peel clove of garlic into the vagina - I would if it come to that)
ACIDOLPHILUS DOUCHE or CAPSULE inserted at darkness (can achieve capsule at Walmart and other drug stores)
COMFREY Tea Douche
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE DOUCHE- Hydrogen Peroxide is produced inherently by germs contained by your vagina and kill yeast. If the germs aren't doing adequate by themselves, try mixing 1 teaspoon of humdrum 3% hydrogen peroxide from your flea market or pharmacy beside 1 cup of river. Use as a douche once a daylight until the daytime after your symptoms disappear.
**Note: I do not recommend douching on a regular basis-only when in that is a medical entail. Caution should be taken when douching. Keep the daypack below your pelvis and exert lone slight pressure, as really strong pressure might drive the solution up through the cervix into the uterus. Likewise, take care when inserting and removing the nozzle, as destroy to the vaginal walls can organize to more serious yeast or bacterial infections.

*A facts more or less GARLIC
Penicillin have one chemical constituent and to be exact Penicillin. Garlic have at least possible 35 constituents. They "potentiate, enhance, and mitigate respectively other's effects inside the human body." That's approaching taking 35 medication contained by one! Learn more something like garlic here:

*Continue to chomp through yogurt to replace the virtuous microbes.
*Sugar can nurture yeast, so you may want to monitor your sugar intake as all right.

For women is it ok after have oral Please..?

It could be a yeast infection..or an STD. You should really find it checked out. Maybe try Planned Parenthood?

Does your body temp be in motion up when you are ovulating? Because i own a slight hallucination and my ovary's are painful?

This sounds terrifically serious and unusual. It could be a yeast infection, an STD or another serious infection. You should definately see a doctor. I remember my sister have something compassionate of simular and it be a sexually transmitted infection.

shavingguys or girls plz answer?

This sounds resembling something you entail to attain checked out.
I own have my share of yeast infections but i never have blood beside them. Sounds similar to you could own an STD. Was it protected sex?

You can be in motion to a local clinc or even Planned Parenthood.
But this something you should a short time ago cut.
Good luck

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