HELP..I am scared! I did something stupid!?

I channged birth control pills this month, and tonight I got carried away next to my boyfriend and we had sex. I am wanting to procure the emergency pill just to be undamaging, but I am on my parents insurance so I am afriad they will somehow find out that I got the emargency pill. Is nearby anyway they can find out if I use the insurance and then a moment ago pay for the copayment myself. I hold no clue how health insurance they report things to my parents?

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Not as long as you wages the co-payment at the time of purchase. You could also pay for the whole entry and not bill the insurance company.

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if your 18 or elder your OK they don't report things like that

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if your that dumb u shouldnt enjoy sex..

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Did you miss any pills or newly change right over? You may be fine. Your parents will be notify. They will get a copy of the statement surrounded by the mail. Talk to your mom and be honest. If she put you on the birth control, consequently you should be able to discuss this.

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Call your nearest planned fatherliness. That pill is only roughly $30. I don't believe insurance would pay for it anyway. But DO bring it.

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I don't know what insurance you have. I would turn to the pharmacy and get the pill and a moment ago pay for it myself. It runs around 30-40, and I would enjoy my bf pay for factor of it. If you are under 18, you will hold to talk to the pharmacist first or travel to a clinic. If you are 18 or older, you do not inevitability a prescription, and you can get it OTC. Finally, if you didn't use a condom, in that is a big chance that you hold an STD now, so it is a virtuous idea to shift get tested for the adjectives ones (HPV-which affects roughly 80% of women, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc). You can get adjectives of theses services at Planned Parenthood amazingly cheaply or free. You can also contact your health department. They cannot report these things to your parents due to confidentiality law.

Whats wrong with me?

If you find the pills using the insurance they will most likely see it. Some places you don't even requirement a prescription for it, and also you can just payment full price without submitting it to insurance at adjectives. JUST MAKE SURE TO TELL THE PHARMACIST BEFORE he fills it! Also, you may still be protected by the previous months you be on the birth control pill unless there be a time lapse when you switched to a new brand. If you be taking it steady there really shouldn't be an issue.

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How infirm are you? If you are over 18 but still on your parent's insurance, then you can step to the doctor yourself, make the co-pay and find the pills. They will probably get a statement from the insurance company that a look in was made to the doctor but it won't administer specifics about the drop by. If you are under 18, you'll inevitability to call the doctor's department, hospital or clinic and ask them what their policy is. You could call planned fatherliness and ask them for help as okay.

Good luck and try to do better planning in the future. It is glib to avoid a problem than to fix it afterwards.

It hurts during sex.I don't know why?

Weigh your options. First sour did you change from a different helpful of pills to a new one? you may still be nontoxic... check with your doctor first to see what the probability are that you need to be concerned! And if nought else ask the doctors office if it would be reported to your parents... they work next to insurance all light of day long and may be able to comfort you out. Good luck... and pick up some condoms (usually free at the health department)

How come you don't catch pregnant while on the placebo week of pills?

Yes, parents get sent monthly statements in the region of their health insurance - what visit and medications they have. They'd notice.

If you're already on birth control I don't have an idea that it would be a huge deal to convey your mom 1) the truth, or 2) that you forgot to take a pill and immediately would like the emer. pill a moment ago to be safe.
I'm assuming obviously that you're on their insurance already for the pills.

Think about it though. If this be your daughter, would you want the truth or a lie? A little lecture is tolerable.

Please don't do stupid things again. You disempower all women when you don't respect yourself.

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