Why do women need more calcium than men?

I know that women need abundantly more calcium in our diets, and I know that we own a higher indiscriminate of getting osteoporosis, but why is this the case?


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our body's just loose it faster due to our hormone change.

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Men actually obligation more calcium then women because the want to grow big and strong.

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We use a lot of calcium, to carry on a pregnancy, it takes alot out of the body.

Menopause @ 20after have a Baby?

Women lose calcium faster because of motherhood and the potential to be a mother.

It wishes to be replenished. Men don't have this problem and retain more of their calcium.

Please I want to hear from someone who had to conclusion a pregnancy for medical reasons?

because estrogen loss lead to calcium loss and brittle bones.

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The gradual loss of bone is a normal module of the aging process and it happens to both men and women. Osteoporosis, however, is due to an accelerate loss of bone and it may affect four times as many women as men. This speedy loss of bone, which begins after menopause, is believed to be cause by the decline in estrogen, a hormone that is essential for the digestion of calcium, a key mineral in bone formation. During childhood and rash adulthood, frail bone is continually being replaced by untried bone until we develop our peak bone mass at around age 30. At that point, the production of up to date bone begins to slow down, and old-fashioned bone begins to wear down. After menopause, the rate of bone loss

begins to speed up. In certainty, women begin to lose 1 to 1 1/2% of their bone mass annually for in the order of a decade, when the loss begins to horizontal off. Some women lose bone at an even faster rate--2 to 4%-- making them especially adjectives to fractures.

Studies have shown that most women underestimate the seriousness of this problem; contained by fact, three out of four post-menopausal women enjoy never discussed osteoporosis with their doctors. Women clearly do not scenery bone loss with duplicate urgency as they do cancer or even heart disease. This can be a serious mistake. About 40% of all post-menopausal women will develop vertebral fractures that can result within a rounded back or "dowager's hump." More than 300,000 women will bring hip fractures, which not only take off many for good disabled but can be deadly: something like 20% of all women who fracture their hips die in six months of the injury due to complications such as pneumonia. Fortunately, there are lots things that can be done to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis, or to prevent a mild covering from turning into a serious one

If its 'that time of the month' can it cause..?

because the certainty that they give birth, making a kid robs you supply and cut you short simple as that

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Because when you get to be a in no doubt age a woman's body kinda stops making/holding in the calcium and then when you draw from older this is why more women after men have osteoporosis and other bone problems

I own a really painfull boob! could it be matitis although its 22 years since i had my end baby?

The diet isn't correct.

if you guardianship to read more http://www.newenglandnutritives.com/liquid_calcium.htm

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