What are the chances??

Have you or anyone you know gotten pregnant while taking the pill everyday and using a condom that DID NOT BREAK? I am worried I am pregnant. I am having horrible headache for about a week, slight cramping, impressively emotiona and i am 16.

* Women Only Please. Menstration Problems *?

The possibility of getting pregnant when you are on pills is very slight but it EXISTS. The most sensitive means of access to know if you are pregnant is to have a Blood theory test of BHCG level.
If you hold any delays surrounded by your menstrual cycles or a missed period, I strongly recommend you bear the test.

At what age should I stop my girls from seeing their Brothers in the tub?

the pill can give you headache,

Poll ~ How do you prefer your pubic hair?

Eeek 16, if you arn't sure travel see a doctor.

It hurts.?

Yes, it happens. The one and only sure-fire way to not carry pregnant is to not have sex.

If you're worried, you should see a doctor.

There are some things that interfere beside the Pill being abosrbed by the body: taking anti-biotics, stress, diet... and your age. Your cycle may still be sorting itself out and if you've be on the Pill for a short amount of time, or not taking it the same time every time, then it may not be potent.

Question about the plan b pill!! please oblige me!?

I got pregnant on the pill,
I followed the rule of waiting 30 days,
we in truth waited 40 to be sure,,,
3 months next, I found out I was 2 months pregnant,

I terminated up miscarrying.
You need to bring in an appt with your doctor and gain a test done,,,if it isn't that you are pregnant, these could be side effects of your birth control choice, or even a sign of something more complex than that.

You absolutely need to speak to a doctor though.
I hope everything turns out OK
polite luck Hun,
be careful.

why the hell own i got a mustach when im feminine?

if your taking the pill everyday and using condoms then your fiiine, beielve me. as long as he didnt bust in you, you should be fine. especially taking the pill every single daylight to. your probably just getting paranoid. i use to get really parnoid to.. and start getting bleak stomach aces and head-aces consequently freakin out over nothin ! ended up not pregnant at adjectives. it was only just in my mind. but no you should be fine. =]

Please articulate?! only girls!!?

my best girlfreind get preggers twice while on the pill and it appeared to be working right both times . she waited channel over the suggested waiting period also . a few of my other girlfreinds own gotten preggers from other various methods . except the 100 percent sure method of not have sex . i know the boyfreinds can use some pretty convincing stuff to get within our pants but surrounded by the end the girl suffers the repurcussions .

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