Embrassing question girls only please?

how do I put a tampon in because the opening am trying isnt working

Period Problem?

Try some lubricant on it, and aim it towards your back to some extent than straight up... also, maybe you could try ones near applicators?

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look at the instruction that come with the tampons. It also help sometimes if u try put it in while sitting on the toilet.

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sry idk i use pads

they are manageable and paineless.

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it take practice, I don't think anyone get it first try. Make sure you're only trying to put a tampon when you're on your interval. Try using your finger to get an notion of the angle of the vagina and where exactly the entrance is.

Birth control. check up?

You're liberal of going to have to confer more info. I find, playing my favourite song surrounded by my head and fondness back against the wall or toilet help relax my muscles then I in recent times insert it. Follow the instructions on the leaflet (however I find them confusing) and a short time ago do your best. Hope this helps and flawless luck xXx

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Takes a LOT of practice...if you already read the pamphlet and it doesn't be paid sense, try this. Sit down on the tip of a chair, spread your legs out, and insert it facing slightyl up. Also, use the lighest absordbency possible and NEVER try to put one it when you are not have your period. It couls be totally very raw!

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1. First, look at the tampon. The larger outer tube that holds the tampon itself at the really end is the top – this is the cog that is inserted into the vagina. Think – top = tampon. The thinner inside tube is the one where on earth the string is showing. This is the inner or bottom tube – the part that is to say used to push the tampon in.
2. Wash your hand. Stand or sit in a comfortable position. Sit on the toilet next to your legs apart and lean slightly forward, or try standing with your knees slightly bent. Standing beside one foot up on the tub also works for some girls. Most of the time, you'll end up putting in a tampon while you're on the toilet – so that's a right place to start.

3. Look at the tampon applicator again – you'll see some ridges, this is the finger grip, on the larger tube. With the thumb and middle finger of one hand, hold the applicator weakly on the outer insertion tube at the grip location, with the larger outer tube facing up toward your body and the thinner inner tube pointing down toward the floor.

4. With your other paw, gently separate the folds of skin around the vaginal first night. Put the tip of the larger outer tube of the tampon applicator in the vent of the vagina. Are you still breathing?! Don't forget to! It helps you stay relaxed.

5. The vagina slants upward and toward the final. So, aim the tampon toward a point low on the small of your back (the curved nouns of your lower back). Now, take a vast breath, let it out, and relax. Then placidly push the larger, outer tube of the applicator into the vagina. Stop when your thumb and middle finger are touching the vaginal opening.

NOTE: For flushable (cardboard) applicator tampons, allay in the applicator by slightly twisting or rotating it from side to side. Don't twist a plastic applicator, this slides in best when pushed straight in at the proper angle.

6. Next, put your index finger (or a finger on the other hand) at the finishing of the inner, thinner tube (where the cord comes out). Push this inner tube slowly until it's completely inside the larger tube. This pushes the tampon out of the applicator and into your vagina. Move your finger from the end so that the string hang free. Keep your thumb and middle finger on the outer tube grip.

7. Now, holding the tubes (that are now inside respectively other) firmly but gently remove them from the vagina. (The cardboard tubes can be flushed away.) (IF USING TAMPAX PEARL PLASTIC OR TAMPAX COMPAK, DO NOT FLUSH THE PLASTIC APPLICATOR OR WRAPPER.) Place the used plastic applicator put a bet on into the discreet wrapper or wrap it in toilet paper and throw it within the trash.) If the tampon is in correctly, you shouldn't touch it at all. If it feel uncomfortable, it's probably not placed far satisfactory into your vagina. The uncomfortable inkling comes from the tampon rubbing against the muscle at the opening of the vagina. If this happen, remove the tampon and use a fresh one, trying to insert it a little deeper into the vagina.

8. To remove a tampon, relax your muscles. Slowly and calmly pull the removal string downward at like peas in a pod angle you used to insert the tampon. Don’t worry in the region of the string – it’s securely sewn throughout the tampon. If you grain discomfort while removing the tampon, it probably means you didn’t want to change it because it hadn’t engrossed enough on the other hand. You may either want to wear a tampon longer subsequent time or use a lower absorbency.

How much am i suppose to weigh?

You gently stick it up inside your vagina where on earth the string will hang between your legs.

Getting go together back after missing 2 pills?

wow im putting this on my monitor list i hold the same press hahaha go us!

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