I got questions about the famale responce to sex?

I'am a 19 year old girl and I have sex with this guy that i be attracted to more then once while drunk and it be atlest one of those times that my inner lips get bigger but not hard /stiff and i focus my clit got bigger anyway the end guy i had sex next to i was drunk and my inner maw ended big and stiff and my cllit wasnt bigger or it was just bigger and i was barly attracted to him if i even be attracted to him at all. so why did my inner mouth become not only bigger but also stiff and why be my clit not bigger or bearly bigger?

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Sounds resembling he was too rough and irritated and may own torn you a little. When you're not stimulated satisfactory you can't produce the natural lubrication you requirement to make sex more pleasing. Your labia minora will tend to swell when a guy is "hitting it" too hard. Depending on the angle, your clitoris can swell for a time also.

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Sounds close to the guys you were next to were too rough. That can wreak swelling and the 'stiff' feeling you're discussion about. A lot of times when you're drunk you don't realize how rough a guy is, or he might not realize that you aren't aroused plenty to be lubricated yet, which can also end in irritation.

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its because its all still a modern experience of course it will counter to stimulation or even slight excitement


Your inner labia were irritated. When irritated, the inner labia become stiffer and more swollen as powerfully as having a coarse feeling to them. This explains why the lube further irritated your labia.

When you are drunk, your body cannot develop as much of the unprocessed lubrication you need to prevent the irritation/rawness from occuring and lube should be used from the start to prevent the problem.

As okay, if you are not interested sexually in a guy then your body is not going to respond as resourcefully as with a guy you are interested in. This could narrative for why your clitorus did not enlarge. Another object for it could be lack of stimulation.

Simplest solution here is too not sleep near men your aren't attracted to, sleep with men smaller number often, or get lube around with you within your purse. But please, use condoms to protect yourself from STD's and AIDS. Other birth control methods do not prevent you from contracting these problems.

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well its because you be having sex rough and horny when your body carry that way you ** get bigger and more sensitive then the other time you be drunk but your body didn't really want it

I've tried the female pee standing technique and it doesn't work, is within any other way?

U should prevent yourself have sex with other guys who u r not interested in... and near protections on..

That might be irritations that causes that... use lib since it and it will helps..

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